Chapter 41

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Shay POV

I grabbed the envalope off the branch and opened it. Inside was a bunch of pictures of me and Hayes. A bunch were from the tour and before he left and when Taylor and I were in North Carolina.
S- What's with the pictures
H- Here's your challenge, decode the message on the back of each picture and it will form a sentence, you have until 12:00 pm tomorrow to figure it out
S- This is weird but okay. No offense but this also seems really sketchy
H- It's not sketchy, just to let you know only Taylor is allowed to help you
S- You had to give me the dumbest person out of all the people that are here
H- That's the point, better hurry and figure it out. Talk to you later bye
I looked at the back of the pictures and they were really easy to figure out. The message said
Meet me in the tree where you found the envelope tomorrow at 12:00 pm.
Okay I guess I was going to be here again tomorrow. I walked back home with the envalope of pictures. I got home and put the pictures in my scrap book. I put them in so the note could be read. It wasn't that hard to figure out because he just spelled every word backwards.
"Do you have the envalope?" Nash asked
"Yeah and how long has this been being planned?" I asked
"Like two weeks." Cam said
"I knew something was up with you and Tay." I said
"Yeah well now you know why." Tay said walking into the room

*Next Day*

"Cam, should I dress formal or casual?" I asked. Because there were no girls in the house Cam was the one I went to for fashion advice.
"Go both, a little dressy but comfortable at the same time." He said
"Okay thanks Cammy boy."
"No prob Shay-Shay." He said. I went back in my room and changed into a light blue lace dress and white converse (above) I also curled the tips of my hair and applied some light mascara and a little bit of eyeliner. Nothing more nothing less, I don't really like wearing a lot of make up so I keep it simple. I walked down the stairs and all the guys and all of them as in Nash, Cam, Taylor, Matt, Carter, Aaron all of them.
"What are you guys doing here?" I squealed giving everyone of them a hug. Shawn was in LA for one of his shows so he stopped by too. Jo wasn't here she was on the East coast for a tournament.
"We thought we'd just drop by and say hi." Carter said
"Okay that's not why. We were apart of the plan and here's your next clue." Matt said handing me another envalope.
"But the one with the pictures said meet at the tree where the last envalope was." I said
"We know, this is for after. Speaking of we better go it's almost noon." Cam said grabbing the car keys.

*At Park*

I ran to the tree with the next clue. I opened the letter and it said.
Heyy gurl, where do you think that comes from probably where a lot of other girls are.
The mall, these are really easy. I ran back to the car.
"Taylor the mall. Go!" I said buckling my seatbelt. We drove to the mall and ran in. I went to the customer service desk.
"Hi are you Shay?" The lady asked
"Yes I am." I said. She handed me another envalope.
"Good luck sweetie." She said
"Thank you." I said running out of the mall and back to the car. I opened the letter and it read.
Man it sure is nice out, good day for some out door volley ball.
"Tay the beach volleyball courts." I said. He stepped on the gas as we drove to the beach. This time we all got out of the car and went to the courts. Intertwined in the net was another note. It read.
Rock climbing is fun until you fall. Unless there's water beneath you.
I started running towards the jetti. The jetti is this big long pile of rocks where boats will anchor. I got to the jetti and sitting next to the rocks was a big picnic with a note.
I wish I could be here with you right now but you and the boys enjoy the picnic and I'll see you when school ends. I love you and I miss you more than you ever know.
That made me cry.
"So he wasn't actually here in the first place, was he?" I asked. The all shook their heads no.
"Okay then we might as well eat." I said sitting down on the blanket that was laid out. We ate and caught up with each other.
"I have a very important announcement." Shawn said standing up
"Jo and I are dating." He says waiting for a reaction.
"Wait are you being serious?" I asked
"Dead serious." He said. We all started clapping and Taylor yelled get some. Everyone was happy and clapping except for G. I don't know what his problem is.
"Hey guys I need a picture for my scrapbook." I said pulling out my poloroid camera. I got the picture of them and a few individual ones with me, Aaron, Taylor, and Shawn. We cleaned up all the picnic stuff and walked back to the car. We drove back to the house and I took all the letters and pictures and put them in my scrapbook. I went downstairs and told Taylor I was going for a drive.
"Why don't you take my car." Taylor said
"Are you really letting me drive your lambo?" I asked
"Yeah your going through something and surprisingly the speed helps." He said
"But if you crash, scratch, or even put the smallest dent in it you pay for it to be fixed." He said
"Fine I'll be back in a few hours." I said taking the keys from him.
"Make sure to put gas in it too." He said as I was out the door. I got in his car and buckled my seatbelt. I started driving to I don't even know where, I just let the roads take me where they took me.

That was a long one. Thanks for over 700 reads it is truly amazing.
K bye

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