Chapter 30

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*At Beach*

Shay POV

We left the beach and went to Taco Bell. After that we went to the movies and saw The Fault in Our Stars. Me and Jo were crying and the boys were laughing at us. We decided to head back to the hotel because it was getting late.
"Today was really fun thanks guys." Jo said
"It wouldn't have been fun if you guys didn't invite us." Carter said
"You're right. So tomorrow Jo and Matt's dad is going to take us on their boat. But Matt doesn't know so don't tell him anything." I said
"Okay." They agreed

*At Hotel*

Hayes POV

Why did she leave? Did I do something wrong? She probably went with Aaron she very likely likes him more than me. Damnit. I had the perfect catch, there was none like that fish, one of a kind and the rod slipped through my hands. Shay was that one of a kind fish, I let her slip right through my fingers. Then Shay, Aaron, Jo, and Carter came in the room laughing.
"What's so funny?" I asked
"Carter's funny." Jo said between laughs
"Why what'd he do?" I asked
"When we were driving back from the movies, Carter was hanging his head out the window and scaring people on the street." Shay said laughing so hard she was crying
"And this lady pulled out a nerf gun and tried to shoot him with it." Aaron said.
"And the lady started yelling at us in German." Jo said still laughing.
"I got a video of it wanna see?" Shay asked me
"No thanks I'll look at it tomorrow, I'm gonna go to bed." I announced.
"Okay." She said. She went in the bathroom and got ready.
"What the hell man, really?" I said grabbing Aaron's collar
"What's your problem?" He asked
"Don't play stupid, asking my girlfriend out with you and your little friends." I said through gritted teeth
"Look bro, her and Jo wanted to have friends day with no drama or anything just four best friends hanging out." He explained
"Oh what did you do?" I asked releasing him from my grip
"Well first we went to the beach, surfed a little ya know, then we went to Taco Bell, then we went to see The Fault in Our Stars, and Shay and Jo were bawling into each other's arms saying that it's not fair Gus died." He said
"Look man I'm sorry for getting mad at you, she just wanted to have fun." I said
"It's okay, she said she wanted to have a day like that with just you and her." He said
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah man, she may not say it or express it all the time but she loves you man, like really loves you. Sometimes she'll talk in her sleep about the future and how she wants it to be with you." He said. Shay came out of the bathroom in her PJs and her hair was in a messy bun. I ran up and hugged her.
"I'm sorry for being jealous." I said
"It's okay I heard the whole conversation. And I understand. I would be jealous if you did that too." She said


hope you liked this chapter. Comment and vote on it please. More drama in next chapter, this one was kind of a filler
K bye

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