Chapter Eight

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A/N do you guys like the collages let me know if I should do more. K bye

Shay POV

I ran out the door of our room and kept running I pushed the elevator button to make them think I took the elevator but I took the stairs up to the roof of the hotel and sat on the edge crying. I wasn't going to jump that's stupid but I thought about it. I got off the edge and cried into my knees. That's when the upstairs door opened it was Aaron.
"Hey guys" he started. I gave him the don't do it look and he stopped " Never mind I thought I saw something."
"Thank you." I mouthed. He walked over and sat next to me. His first words weren't what happened or are you okay he just sat there and we let the silence do the talking.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked
I nodded "So Taylor and I, the thing is our d-dad he was k-killed and so was his brother that we never even knew about and our mom left when I was ten. If he didn't take custody of me when he did I would have been put in a foster home. He said if I got caught with Hayes I would go to a foster home where I belong I don't get it he has never ever said anything to hurt me he was always the one hurting people who hurt me." I cried harder then I got a text from a number I didn't know

U- Unknown S- Shay

U- Hey can you please come back down to the room Taylor isn't here he's looking for you with the rest of the guys and Aaron is gone too.
S- Who are you and Aaron is with me
U- It's Hayes come on we need to talk
S- Okay be down in a sec.

*End Convo*

I told Aaron I was okay now and I wanted to go back in. We went inside and I walked to my room Aaron gave me a hug and went to his room. I can tell we will be really good friends. I went in the room and Hayes was standing there. His eyes were glossed over and we're a dull gray color rather than the bright ocean blue that every one knew. His cheeks were tear stained. I ran up to him and gave him a hug he hugged back immediately.
"I'm so sorry." He said
"For what you didn't do anything." I said still hugging him.
"Well I almost made you do that dare and I lied to you." He said with a face of guilt
"About what." I said breaking the hug
"Taylor's in the bathroom listening to the whole conversation." He said
"Okay, Tay you can come out now." I said looking at the bathroom door. I opened it and all the guys were piled in the bathroom with their ears to the door. They all fell onto the floor next to me. Taylor gets up first.

Thanks for reading and almost thirty reads WOW i seriously cannot thank you enough. I hope you enjoy and make sure to vote, comment and read more. I might be starting a new book. Leave your opinion in the comments if I should or not.
K bye

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