Chapter Six

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*At Hotel*

Shay POV

I unpacked my stuff and sat on my bed, and when I say stuff I mean like my phone and laptop and their chargers. Someone walked in it was Nash.
"Hey" he said looking at me
"Hi" I say quietly
"So whatcha doin?" He questioned
I just shook my head gesturing that I wasn't doing anything
"You're really quiet aren't you?" He asked
"Sometimes only if I don't know the person." I replied
"Then why don't we get to know each other." He said
"Okay let's play 21 questions." I suggested sitting up on the bed
"I'll go first. What's your favorite color?"
"Blue" I replied
"What's your favorite part about the tour?" I asked
"Meeting the fans and getting to know some of them." He said
We went on like this for a while then Tay came in with all of the other guys and Jo.

Taylor POV

We came in to my room with all the guys and Matt's sister when Shay and Nash were playing 21 questions with each other.
"Hey guys" I said
"Hey" they said back. We all were sitting in my room when Jo broke the silence and said
"Hey let's play truth or dare" we all agreed and sat in a circle in the middle of the room.

Sorry it's short but I wanted to make a chapter all about truth or dare with drama.
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