Chapter 61

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Hayes POV

Shay was crying all night. Even Taylor couldn't calm her down. Even I tried and nothing would work.
"Hey could you keep it down we're trying to sleep." Cam said peeking his head through the door.
"Why don't you come and calm her down." Taylor whispered angrily
"Fine. I have mad girl calming down skills." Cam said cracking his knuckles. I was holding Shay like a baby and I passed her off to Cam. He sat down at the end of the bed and started cooing to see if that would calm her.
"Shh. It's okay. It'll all be okay and Jo will be just fine. I promise." He said. Cam was rocking her back and forth like an infant and she fell asleep in his arms. Cam laid her down on the bed next to Taylor.
"How'd you do that?" I asked
"When a girl is upset you tell her everything is going to be okay and let her know that you are there for her. And you rock her back and forth in your arms like a baby." Cam said and walked out. She was sleeping peacefully by Taylor. I wish that could be me but Taylor would kill me.


"You could live, or you could die. The decision is up to you." The voice said
"I can't die. I have so much to live for." I thought
"Is that your final decision." The voice asked
"I want to live." I thought
"Thy will shall be done." The voice stated. I didn't wake up completely. I could hear and feel things under my fingertips, but I couldn't open my eyes or move.
"We're going to have to pull the plug on Ms. Espinosa. She hasn't been breathing on her own. And life support only lasts for so long." A woman's voice said. They're going to pull the plug on me? What does that mean? Will I die? I mean I can breathe on my own. And WTF is life support?!?
"Well let's do a check up on her and see if there is any response." A man's voice said. I'm assuming I'm at a hospital. I don't remember how I got here either. I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember is Matt and I getting on a plane to go to some convention thing. I don't remember what it was called but there was a bunch of other guys and there was a girl and that's all I remember. I don't know their names or their faces all I remember is Matt and my family. I heard the door open then close. I felt people touching me with cold objects and they tightened something around my arm.
"We better call her family. We have to pull the plug." A doctor said
"No they can't kill me I have to see Matt." I thought.

*A few minutes later*

I heard the door open and a bunch of people talking. At least five of them were yelling. One of them was a girl and the rest were boys.
"You can't pull the plug. That's my sister." I think Matt said.
"If she's gone we all have just lost a big part of our lives." Another boy yelled
"If she dies it's all your f**cking fault. And my sister will be crushed and so will Jo's boyfriend." Another guy said
"I'm so sorry but we have to. We can't provide any more care to her. We have done everything we can." The doctor said. I heard crying and yelling as I heard the monitor go flat.


Uh oh cliffhanger. Sorry for not updating in a while. I just started school today. Updates will be slower but I'll try as much as I can. Keep reading and voting.
K bye

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