Chapter 26

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*At Magcon*

Shay POV

I wore my old football jersey that my team gave to me when I moved. I was number seven. I played back up quarter back and strong safety. I wore my jersey skinny jeans and vans.
"Oh where'd you get that jersey from?" Hayes asked
"My coach gave it to me before I moved." I said
"You, played football, for a team?" He asked
"Well yeah, is that like a shock to you or something?" I asked
"I didn't know girls could play football." Hayes said
"Okay after the show we can all play a game of football and if my team wins the other team has to... Take the other team out for ice cream." I said
"Deal but if you lose I get to throw you in the ocean. When your least expecting it." He said with an evil smirk
"Well now I'll be expecting it so I'll be prepared." I said
"You know seven is my lucky number." He said moving closer to me.
"Oh yeah, well it's mine too." I said. Our faces were inches apart.
"COCK!" Taylor yelled right into our ears.
"No PDA." Matt said
"Hayes you guys can do the dirty later but right now there are tons of fans waiting for us so let's go." Cam said pulling Hayes up.

*On Stage*

Hayes POV

"So I don't know if you know this but I have a little sister named Shay and we'd like to bring her up on stage. Come on out here Shay." Taylor said. Bart handed her a mic and she walked out on stage.
"Hey guys. Um I would like to thank Taylor and Bart for letting me be on this amazing tour with some of the most amazing people." She said gesturing towards all the guys.
"Hey we have a very special announcement from ya boi Hayes." Nash said
"I wanted to do this officially so everyone would know." He said pulling a small square shaped box out of his pocket.
"Shay Kylie Caniff I knew from the moment you got off that plane and hiding behind Taylor because you were scared of nine out of control, loud, obnoxious, crazy boys I knew you were the one who I wanted to be with for the rest of my life, to have children with, and to grow old with and the one that I eventually die with but let's not think about that one, any way will you take this promise ring and promise me that until death do us part you will love me forever?" I asked. She had tears in her eyes
"I promise." She said dropping to her knees and hugging me. I put the ring on her finger and all the guys were awwing and some of the fans were booing but it didn't seem to phase her.
"Okay what you say we get this party started!" Shawn yelled. I helped Shay up off her knees so we could do the lipgloss dance. When we were done we did something a little different we did a gymnastics competition. We could only do a floor routine because we didn't have anything to actually do the other events with. While most of the guys were attempting cart wheels, round offs and backflips, Shay was doing Lauren Hernandez's 2016 Olympics floor routine (above).
"Okay guys I think it's safe to say that Shay won." Cam said
"Any other things or competitions you would like us to do before we go?" Johnson asked the crowd
"Sing, sing, sing" the crowd chanted
"What should we sing?" I asked

Shay POV

Oh no I don't want to sing, not alone. As long as I'm with someone else its fine.
"Life of the party" the crowd screamed
"Shay and Shawn you guys can take this one." Nash said. Me and Shawn sang and then we had a break before the meet and greet. We got off the stage and to the little break room in the back of the building.
"Where did you learn how to do gymnastics like that?" Cam asked
"I took gymnastics for about ten years, my coach said I had a shot to go to the Olympics, but then being the f*ck up I am I decided I wanted to do a more advanced dismount that my coach told me specifically not to do. Even though I landed it every time in practice I went to our meet and did the dismount. I landed it and it put me in first. This was qualifications for the Olympic trials. And I shattered my ankle and was in a cast for almost a year. I ruined my own career by making some stupid mistake that could have easily been avoided. So after my ankle I started to play football. Coach saw potential in me so he put me on the boys team. I was a back up quarter back. But mostly I played strong safety. Not gonna lie it was awesome, some of the boys were douchebags and some of them became my best friends." I finished
"Damn that a lot." Carter said
"You played football for a boys team?" Gilinski asked
"Yeah you got a problem with that?" I snapped
"Well aren't girls supposed to be doing like volleyball or cheerleading?" G replied. Taylor knew I was getting mad.
"That is so stero typical and no I will play what I want to play you sexist asshole." I said running out of the room.

Taylor POV

"What the hell man, shes been through hell and back so don't even bring up her being a weak girl who can't fend for herself because she is not. She took down one of the defensive line man that was twice her size, don't mess with her." I yelled pinning G up against the wall. Hayes went out in the hallway to go find Shay.


What will happen to Shay will she be okay or not?
K bye

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