Chapter Fourteen

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Shay POV
"You really think your smarter than us just because you skipped two grades?" Scott asked
"Well I'm obviously smarter because you got held back and now I'm a whole grade ahead of you." I said in kind of a sassy tone. I felt a sting on my left cheek and an excruciating kick to the stomach.
That was the last time I ever stood up for myself
*End Flashback*

"I don't want it to end up like last year." I said forcing the tears back. It didn't work a few tears fell off my wet eyelashes making a little bit of mascara run.
"Hey it's okay I don't know what happened last year but you'll be okay I promise I'm right here for you." Hayes said squeezing my hand and wiping my tears with his thumb.
"Okay we're here!" I said parking the car and the jumping out of the car leaving my shoes in the back and grabbing my beach towel.
"Come on Grier your taking forever." I said starting to run on the trail towards the water. I had my favorite teal bikini on. I took off my Taylor Caniff shirt and my Jean shorts and hung them on a tree. Finally Hayes came and got in the water.
"Hey you wanna jump off the top?" I asked pointing to the top of the cliff.
"How could a girl as delicate as you want to go cliff jumping?" He asked
"I'm not delicate." I said getting out of the water and walking to the edge of the cliff. I looked down and it was only like a 25 foot drop that's not that bad.
"Hey pooh-bear you might wanna move so I don't land on you" I called down to him. No response
"Hayes, Hayes, HAYES!!" I yelled then I felt something grab my arm. It was Hayes
"Oh my God you scared me I thought you were gone." I said giving him a hug.
"Aww did Shay-Shay miss me that much?" He mocked
"What did I tell you about calling me that Grier?" I asked
"And what did I tell you about calling me Pooh Bear?" He asked
"Fair enough." I said. We started to lean in but I pushed him away and jumped off the top of the cliff. I landed in the cool refreshing water and swam to the edge and sat there and waited for Hayes.
"Hey let's go in the cave behind the waterfall" he said with excitement. We both jumped back in and swam over to it. Once we got there we climbed into the cave and sat there and talked for a few hours about just random subjects. We didn't even realize it was dark out.
"Hey before we go I wanted to ask you something." He said
"Okay shoot." I said
"Do you wanna be my girlfriend? I mean you don't have-" I cut him off by kissing him. I could feel him smiling.
"What are we going to tell Taylor and Nash?" He asked
"We're not we just act like best friends around them. Because I know Tay is going to flip out." I said laughing a little.

Taylor POV

Shay is gone and so is Hayes where did they go. Oh they better not have went to that swimming hole me and Shay found when we were kids. This is so bad I lost my sister and my best friends brothers. Nash isn't even freaking out he keeps saying it's gonna be fine they'll be back soon. Shay left her phone here and Hayes won't respond to any of our texts and when we call it goes straight to voicemail.

Thanks for reading this I hope you enjoyed. Leave comments and suggestions.
K bye

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