Chapter 28

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*On tour bus*


"Guys I have to tell you something." Jo said
"What is it? Are you pregnant, married, a secret agent?" Carter asked
"None of those and I got drafted in to the Women's National Soccer League!" I said getting excited
"Congrats sis I knew you could do it!" Matt said hugging me.
"How long will you be gone?" Gilinski asked
"A whole season, so about six to seven months." I replied
"Wow and all for soccer." Johnson
"Yeah it's gonna be fun and another thing is I got you guys season tickets so you could come see my games." I said
"That's awesome, when's your first game?" Shay asked
"It's in L.A. that's why I'm coming with you guys." I explained

Shay POV

It's been three hours on this fricken bus and it's just like last time.
"Hey why don't we do something besides scream bloody murder?" I asked
"Like what?" Taylor said
"Truth or Dare?" I suggested. They all nodded in agreement. We went to the back of the bus and folded the bed up and sat in a circle. I sat next to Hayes and Cam.
"Who goes first?" I asked
"I will." Taylor volunteered
"Jo t or d?" He asked
"Dare." She stated
"I dare you to kiss Gilinski, on the lips." He said smirking. She surprisingly did it. They kept going.
"Get a f*cking room if your going to do that kind of stuff." Cam said. Everyone laughed and Jo turned bright red.
"Fine." G said pulling Jo up.
"We'll go to another room." Gilinski said. This can not be good I though to myself.
"Any way while he's taking her v-card let's continue." Taylor said
"Taylor that's not funny." I said
"What's not funny?" He asked
"Taking her v-card really. They're not going to do that, especially in a bathroom where everyone can hear them. Plus Jo is 18 he's 21." I said
"Sorry anyway, Carter t or d?" Tay asked
"Truth." He said
"Are you really Jo's best friend?" Tay asked
"On this tour yes, she trusts me with her life, she even told me." Carter said
"Shawn t or d?" Carter said
"Dare." He said
"I dare you to walk in on Jo and G and see what they're doing." Carter said. He did it and they were just making out nothing serious.
"Shay t or d?" Shawn asked
"Dare." I said confidently
"I dare you to do that grind on me thing. To the music." He said
"Fine, you guys are going to have to give me some room." I said. I found the song on YouTube and did the thing.
"That was so weird I'm never doing that again." I said
"I'm sure Hayes got a little excited during that, huh buddy?" Nash said
"Hayes would want you to do it again." Carter said
"Okay I'm done playing if you guys are going to do that." I said. We kept playing for a while then we decided to watch a movie. We watched 21 and 22 Jump Street. I fell asleep on Hayes's shoulder during the second movie at the "My names Jeff" part. We got to L.A. and there already wasn't a pretty sight.


What do you think was the dreaded sight that Shay saw? Keep reading, voting and commenting.
K bye

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