Chapter One

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Shay's P.O.V

"Shailene Kylie Caniff get down here right now!" My dad yelled from downstairs. I could already tell he was drunk.
"Coming." I yelled from my room. I walked down the stairs to see Taylor sitting on the couch watching TV, as usual. I got to the kitchen where my dad was calling me from.
"I told you to get these dishes done an hour ago" he practically yelled in my face.
"No you didn't you told me to go to my room and do my homework." I replied calmly.
"No I was just repeating what you said." Next thing I knew I felt stinging on my face then again but this time to my side. I fell on the floor and started to lightly cry.
"Stop crying and get up we all know you just want the attention." He said dragging me to my feet then I felt it again that same stinging pain but on my right cheek instead of my left. I held my face trying not to cry again.

Taylor's P.O.V

I saw Shay get hit and kicked I hate it, I can't stand it but I also can't do anything about it our dad will not stop never has never will. Why do think our mom left us. She ran to her room and locked the door. I chased after her and knocked.
"If your going to beat me then don't come in." She said
"Shay come on open up it's Tay." I said. I heard the door unlock as she opened the door I immediately saw her red puffy eyes and tear stained cheeks.I engulfed her in a hug knowing she needed it. We went and sat on her bed and she cried even harder into my chest. I soon heard light snores coming from her I picked her up off the floor where she fell off me and put her into bed.
"Night Shay love you." I said and walked down the hallway to the stairs to get some water. My dad was there on the couch making out with his new "girlfriend" seriously he really needs to find a woman that doesn't just use him and that actually makes him feel good inside. I thought to myself, what am I thinking that is never gonna happen.

Shay's P.O.V

*Next Morning*

"Ugh Monday, school, bullies, my life is just perfect isn't it , *sarcasm* I got dressed into my favorite lifeguard sweatshirt, black leggings and my Chestnut bear paw boots. And headed downstairs to the kitchen where Taylor was eating "breakfast" usually it's just a piece of toast. Same breakfast as always. Taylor has always had a healthy weight because he'll sneak food in the middle of the night but I usually wait for meal times so I don't get beat any more that I already do. My dad threw me the piece of slightly burnt toast and I walked out the door. I was walking to school when I heard Eric and Scott, a.k.a my bullies, whispering behind me saying stuff like "slut" "whore" and stuff like that. To be honest it doesn't bother me as much as it used to, I kinda got used to it. I got to school when I saw something I really didn't want to see. Ever.

What do you guys think Shay saw
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K bye

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