Chapter 42

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Shay POV

I kept driving then I looked in the rearview mirror and I swear I saw Hayes.
"Awesome I'm hallucinating *sarcasm*" I said to myself. It's starting to get dark out so I called Taylor.
T- Taylor S- Shay
S- hey Tay, I'm in San Diego I'll be home a little later than I anticipated to be but I'll see you in a few hours.
T- okay Shay please be careful
S- I will, see you later love you
T- love you too bye
I hung up and left the gas station. I had been driving for a while when I swear I heard whispering in the back seat.
"What the hell." I said and pulled over on the side of the dark road. I opened the back passenger door and looked for anything that could be making that noise. Nothing. I opened the trunk and someone was laying there. I pulled out my phone and turned the flashlight on.
"HAYES! What the f*ck are you doing in the back of my brother's car?" I asked
"I wanted to see you." He said
"Why? You had someone set up that whole scavenger hunt and you don't even show up to it." I said
"Actually I set up that scavenger hunt myself. And it was all apart of the plan. The plan was for you to find the pictures put them together then go on the bigger scavenger hunt for me. And I wasn't going to be there but I was going to surprise you later." He explained getting out of the trunk. I gave him a big hug and kissed him on the cheek. I think I started crying a little too.
"I missed you so much." I cried into the crook of his neck.
"I missed you too Shay." He said. I felt a few teardrops on my head as well.
"Let's go Tay's waiting for us." He said. I walked to the driver's side of the car and got in. We were driving for a while when I started to get really tired.
"Why don't you let me drive." Hayes said
"Okay let me pull over." I said. I pulled onto the shoulder and we switched seats.

*After Car Ride*

We got home around three in the morning. Taylor and all the guys were still up waiting for us.
"Why are you guys not asleep?" I asked as I closed the front door behind me.
"We had to make sure the both of you got home okay." Taylor said
"Well we're fine but Hayes was in the back of your car and nearly made me crash because he kept making noise." I said
"You made her almost crash, in my car?" Taylor asked
"What do you care about the car more than me? Or Hayes?" I asked
"Well when you get on my nerves then yes but otherwise no I don't." He said
"Well that's nice to hear *sarcasm* I'm going to bed, um I'll see you guys later." I said stomping up the stairs to my room.

Taylor POV

I can't believe I just said that. I told my sister I cared more about my car than her or Hayes.
"What the hell Taylor, you care more about your stupid car than your sister." Cameron yelled
"Don't even start to gang up on me you know how I am when I get mad. It slipped out I didn't mean to. And that car costed me almost my life savings so of course I'm going to care about it a lot." I explained
"Taylor, get this through your head your sister is irreplaceable that car can easily be replaced. Shay cannot be replaced, physically, or emotionally. What if she was gone? Then what would you do?" Cam started to yell
"I don't know what I'd do without her. She's all I have left." I said starting to cry.
"Exactly, same goes for all of us." Cam said. The guys nodded in agreement.

Hayes POV

I walked up the stairs to Shay's room while Cam and Taylor were arguing.
"Shay open the door. It's Hayes." I said knocking on her door. She answered but had tear stained cheeks and red bloodshot eyes.
"Can I be alone please?" She said putting her head down.
"Yes but give me all of your razors and whatever sharp objects you can use to hurt yourself with." I said
"I don't have any." She replied
"Shay I know when you lying, give them to me or your going to stay with me." I said sternly
"Again I don't have any." She said through gritted teeth and slammed the door. I heard the click of the lock and another door slam. It was either her bathroom or closet door. Not this again. I bolted down the stairs and outside. I grabbed a ladder and set it up to her balcony. I climbed up and went in her room. I went to the bathroom and opened the door. There she was with her razor in her hand just about to cut herself.
"Hayes go away." She said the razor still placed on her wrist
"No. I'm not going." I said standing my ground
"Yes, Hayes I don't want you to see me die." She said tears streaming down her face.
"You're right I won't see you die because you're not going to." I said. I lunged at her. I grabbed the razor out of her hand and threw the razor away. I took her in my arms and held her.
"I'm sorry." She whispered
"For what?" I asked
"Everything, for trying to kill myself for the second time. And for overreacting I shouldn't have been left alone." She said
"It's okay, I think Cam got Taylor straightened out." I said
"What do you mean?" She asked
"Like Cam gave Taylor a major talking to. Cam was sticking up for you and so we're the other guys." I said
"I'm starting to think Cam is sometimes a better brother than Tay." She said
"No Shay don't think like that. Taylor is a great brother he just gets mad and snaps sometimes." I said
"Yeah I guess your right. You should have seen him when our dad made him mad. And Cam is my unbiological brother. Same with all of the guys." She said. She fell asleep in my arms. I put her in her bed and laid down next to her. I heard footsteps and the door open. It was Taylor.

filler chapter. If you have any ideas on anything that you think should happen comment your idea. Thanks for the reads and votes.
K bye

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