Chapter 54

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*Next Day*

We're in the bus on our way to Silverwood for the second time. Shay, Shawn, Hayes, Matt and Carter and I were playing slap jack while the rest were doing good knows what. Kian and JC were vlogging with Connor and Trevor.
"You better go burn your ass in that light before I kill you." Matt said looking at a fly that got in the bus.
"Matthew, it's just a fly." Shay said
"Yeah it is a fly and it better go burn its ass in the light before I take a lighter to it's face." Matt said
"He hates flies, he does this all the time." I whispered to Shay.
"Got it. I'll remember that." She said. We got to Silverwood and Shay and Hayes went right to the Aftershock. Shawn, Kian, Trevor, Sam, and I went to the water slides. We got in line for the really big one. Shawn and I went on a tube together and I held his hand the whole time I wasn't scared but he was. He hated the water but he went on the water slide for me. And he told me that he'd rather go than have me go with Kian or any one else. Connor has stuck with Shay and Hayes almost this whole time. I think he has a little crush on Shay. If he does Hayes is going to be pissed.

Shay POV

Connor has stayed with Hayes and I this entire time. It's starting to make me think he likes me. I think of him more as a friend. And I have Hayes. I'm really hoping he doesn't like me because I don't want to hurt his feelings and I also don't want Hayes to hurt him.
"Hayes let's go on the log ride." I said
"I don't want to get wet." He said
"You don't even get that wet. Please." I begged like a child
"Nope." He said popping the p
"Pwease? Pwease Hayes?" I said sticking my bottom lip out pouting.
"Ugh fine, but only once." He said
"Yay! Come on let's go." I said

Hayes POV

"Pwease? Pwease Hayes?" She said. God that is so cute. I did that if I wanted something from my mom. I can't resist her big puppy dog eyes and her little pouty lip. I love her so much I don't know what I'd do without her.
"Ugh fine, but only once." I caved in
"Yay! Come on let's go." She said. The way her face lights up when she gets excited or she pops her fingers when she's nervous, and when she's lying she bites her lip. She smiled really big and pulled me towards the line. Shay and I got on one of the logs. Ricky and Connor got the next one. Taylor and Cam were on the one behind me and Shay. Carter and Aaron were on this platform thing waiting for us to pass by. We got to this red flag thing and a water cannon went off and soaked Shay and me partially.
"Damn you Carter!" She yelled. We got off the ride and walked to the Aftershock so the wind from it would dry us off.

*Three Hours Later*

We met the guys and Jo back at the train depot to go back to the hotel. We had to go to Boise tomorrow for Magcon.

Thank you guys for over 2k reads. Let's try to get this book to 2.5k or more. Thanks again.
K bye

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