Chapter Fifty Nine - Monkey See, Monkey Do

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After about an hour of walking in the mall I finally caved in a picked out a outfit from Harry, which he seem pretty pleased about. "My feet are starting to hurt." I whined to Harry, resting my head on his shoulder as we walked.

We have only ran into two fans who Harry talked to for a bit, while I was trying on clothes in the next room, It was nice. It gave me a nice feeling. "We can sit on that bench over there if you want to, or we can move onto the next spot." Harry smiled, pointing to a bench up ahead with his hand that was holding the clothes, His other holding my hand tightly.

 "My feet really hurt but I also want to see what's next." I smiled, "Lets move to the next spot."

"Good choice, I think there is a group of girls following behind us for the past ten minutes." Harry laughed.

It wasn't a long walk to the car, we had a good parking space, right up front. We climbed into the car the same time. Harry turned around and put the bag in the backseat then started the car up.

"What's the next place? Can I have a small guess?" I watched the road as Harry drove to the unknown place next on our list.

"Okay a small hint, one word, Soft." Harry stopped at a red light.

~ ~ ~ ~

"It's a Zoo!" I screamed once I saw the sign. I hope I never sounded too excited about the Zoo.

"Yes, lots of soft animals." Harry smiled pulling into the parking lot. There were only another three cars here besides our car.

The drive was almost an hour, it was away from everything loud and busy. I never noticed Harry was already out of the car until he opened my door for me. "Thank you."I smiled, he closed the door.

He laced his fingers with mine as we walked into the Zoo together. "Today seems to be a slow day, there are always lots of people here, strange." Harry looked over to the side, staring at something.

"I go but us some cotton candy, I will be back in a minute." Harry let got of my hand and wandered away from me. I made my way over to some monkeys that were off to the side.

I watched them, finding a smile crawl upon my face for no reason at all. "Cute aren't they?"

That was a fast cotton candy run. "That was Fa- Oh sorry! I thought you were someone else." I laughed, stepping back alittle.

"I'm Joshua. I work here, just on a little break to feed the little guys." He looked back at the monkeys. "Wanna  help me?"

I noticed his accent wasn't british, it was like an country accent mostly. 'Sure, That'd be fun." I looked back to see if Harry was on the way back yet but I Never saw him in sight, so I thought I kill a few mintues anyway.

"Follow me." Joshua said while he carried a bucket. We walked to the back of the cage where he had to put a key in a dark green door to open it.  

"After you." He held the door open and I stepped inside. I was viewing the monkeys from a different view now! I was inside their cage!

"They don't bite no need to worry, but they love to play." He laughed walking ahead.

I quickly caught up with Joshua. One monkey stepped forward to us and stared at him while he bent down to past him some food from the bucket.

"They are really friendly."

another started coming over. Instead of going to him, it came to me.

"They are so cute." I laughed leaning over.

"You could pick her up if you want, Her name is Sadey." Joshua said once he fed another two monkeys, the bucket now empty.

I picked her up, slowly. I couldn't stop laughing she was touching my face all over, it even looked like she was laughing back at me, almost like a baby, something inside me made my stomach hurt. Like a baby.

"She likes you- I'm sorry I didn't get your name." He stepped in front of me, close enough to play with the monkey in my arms.

"I'm Ali." I told him, I thought just telling him 'Ali' would save some time and save the question if he could call me anything else, anything shorter.

I looked back down at the monkey and started making faces at Sadey. She clapped her hands then touched my cheeks.

"She's getting your cheeks filled with clay." Joshua said, his hand moved to his back pocket and hauled out a piece of clothing, "Here, let's clean you up a little." He laughed.

I shut my eyes closed tight, trying to keep my mouth closed but I was laughing too hard. Once I opened them again Harry caught my eye. He was smiling, watching from outside the cage.

Joshua noticed my eye contact. "Well the feeding is done, let's go, have to get back to work." He smiled, leading the way out. 

I said good-bye to sadey and then he locked the door. I ran ahead back to Harry.

"I've made a new friend, Sadey." 

"She's very cute, and hairy." Harry laughed.

"Nice meeting you Ali." Joshus said, walking past us, he nodded at Harry.

"Starting to get into the country life babe?" Harry smiled, handing me my cotton candy.

"Sorry, a few workers wanted a chat." Harry smiled, I nodded.

"It's fine. You just missed out on playing with the monkeys. And meeting Joshua."

"The zoo closes soon, and by the time we get back into town, it will be nine. already be dark before we get back home. Let's head out."

"But you never saw any of the animals!" I looked at him.

"Babe, I saw the monkeys."

"But you just watched them." I bit my lip and sighed, "Okay, let's go. I'm started to get a bit tired now anyway."

Harry wrapped his arm around my waist as we walked back to the car. I looked back at the monkeys and saw Joshua again, He smiled and waved good-bye; I returned the friendly smile back.

 ~ ~ ~ ~

Harry was right, it was just after nine and we finally got back into town again. It was also dark already, but the kind of dark where the sky was just a dark blue.

I rested my head on the window. "Almost home, another minute now." Harry said, I felt him drive left and then a quick right.

It didn't even seem like a minute and Harry was already pulling up in the driveway.

I slowly got out of the car and yawned. "Don't get too sleepy yet, the day is close to being over."

"Another surpirse?" I asked, "Here?"

Harry never said anything, just walked me to the front door.

I took off my jacket and shoes. I smelt something great cooking.

"Is someone here?" I looked back at him.

He smiled and just looked at me. I walked around the corner that lead to the kitchen. 

"Perrie! Zayn!" I said, smiling running over to greet them.

"Hello love." Perrie said, hugging me, Zayn smiled and went back to sorting the table.

"Thought we would have a nice meal together." Harry said from behind me, "They were both here while we were out wandering around town." He kissed my cheek and went over to Zayn to help him. 

Perrie handed me a dish to set on the table.

"This will be lovely." I smiled, smelling the food.

"You have her talking like us now Harry."  Zayn laughed, Harry smiled and looked down.

(Sorry for little stupid mistakes. I also just wanna say how much you guys make me smile when I read such nice inboxed messages)

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