Chapter Sixteen - Nothing but a Memory

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                                                            Alinanora's P.O.V

I was cooking dinner tonight. I only had a few more days here and I was going to spend them well. The chicken was cooking in the oven. Max was not home from work yet. Which gave me more time to set the table up. Max is my best friend and I never saw him in so long, once again I was leaving him.

I had the table set and the chicken coming out of the oven, ready to be served and Max was home. "What's this I smell?' He said smiling, Laying his work bag down by the door. I put the food on the plates.

"Well, You let me stay with you this whole time and I am leaving soon. I want to be a good guest, I guess. But there is something serious I need to ask you tonight over dinner." His smile faded. I could tell he had no clue what I was going to ask him and he was worried.

"Well, Lets sit down, eat and talk." He said walking over to the table with the smell of food hitting your face. making your mouth water. He pulled out my chair and I sat down.

"Such a Gentlemen." I laughed. He smiled as he poured up some drinks. "what did you want to ask me, Golden?" He said digging into his food.

I started to eat. "Well you know my parents love you very much right?" He made a confused face, I just laughed. "Well you also know I am leaving at the end of the week. I got my mother to buy me my house. Which I had mailed her the money for. I was wondering.."

He leaned in. "Would you mind coming home for a few weeks. You need a break from work anyway. What do you say? You want to come home with me?" His smile got bigger. He got up from the table and picked me up out of my chair and hugged me tight.

"Ali, I always wanted to come home.I just needed someone to push me at it. Thank you." He said, leaning his face into my neck. I smiled. Things were looking good again.

                                                          Eleanor's P.O.V

"Boys! Food is ready." I shouted out. I was over at Louis' flat cooking the boys a nice hot meal. They were leaving for a small trip and I was going to miss Louis so much. I was trying to spend all my free time with him.

they all ran into the kitchen and grabbed a seat. They have not ate at all today, they were to busy. A bit of junk food here and there though. Something to tie them over.

The boys were now done eating and I finished cleaning up the dishes. Louis had helped me and was now in with the boys watching tv and on their phones, maybe on Twitter. I could tell Niall was texting Demi. Since I glanced at his screen.

I sat down next to Louis and thought about when I went to lunch with the girls. Everything Ali told us. The boys knew none of it. "Niall?" I said, breaking the slience in the room. Everyone looked at me. They all knew Niall wasn't acting the same. It was easy to tell.

"Do you know where Ali is?"  I asked him. I need to know what is wrong with him. He shot me a glare.

"Why should I fucking know! I'm not her boyfriend remember. If anything she is out in trouble, getting beated." He rolled his eyes. Niall was acting rude and this made me snap.

"She never asked to get hit by those guys that night. Niall, You have no fucking clue what's going on with her right now..." He cut me off.

"What? Cause you know so much about her. You only fucking know her because she looks like you." Niall and I were now standing and shouting at each other.

"Niall you know fucking shit!" I grabbed my jacket from the back of the couch.

"Where the fuck you going?!" Niall shouted. I turned around to face him.

"I'm going to go get in trouble with Ali. Since that's what she's fucking doing you fucking immature idiot!"  slammed the door shut and started to walk to Max's place.

                                                     Alinanora's P.O.V

I heard a knock at the door. Who could that be? When I opened up the door. I saw Eleanor. She asked to come in. I stepped aside to let her in.

"Max is just in the shower. What's wrong? Did you walk all the way here?" I said. I handed her a glass of water and we both sat down.

"Well I was at Louis' place and Niall and I started fighting. About you." Eleanor started off. About me?

After Eleanor told me everything I leaned back in my seat. Niall thought I asked to get hit? To lay on that wet ground with blood coming out of my head.

"Who the fuck do he think he is?" I told Eleanor, trying to stay strong. I didn't want to break down.

"Ali, Forget him." Eleanor said. Max just walked back out. He was shirtless and his hair was wet.

"Max. We need to drive Eleanor home."I said coldly. "I need to have a talk with Niall." Max nodded and went to grab a shirt.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Ali, don't do this." Eleanor said. We were parked in front of Louis' flat.

"Yeah, Golden. He is gonna hurt you. Lets just leave." Max said. I looked at both of them.

"Eleanor can you tell Niall I want to see him." Eleanor nodded and got out of the car.

"M-Maxx? Can you come up with me? P-Please?" I said shaking. He nodded and we both climbed out. We were half way up the drive way and Niall stepped out.

I ran ahead. "Listen here! I never wanted to get hit. Got that? My life is already a fucking mess and you boys are bringing it down more? I thought you would be a good reason to go on but you aren't." I shouted at him. Tears were sneaking out of my eyes but my voice was loud and strong.

"You know shit about me! Okay. Leave my name of of your dirty fucking mouth and go shag with Demi!" I turned around and he grabbed me hand.

"Ali!" He shouted. I struggled.

 "No! Don't fucking touch me! I'm done with you. You will never see me again! Got that? It will be like I was never here." I said shouting, turning into a whisper.

His hand dropped and he just looked at me. Max came up and put his arm around my neck, taking me back to the car. Niall just watched. We stopped in front of the car and Max held me for a minute.

"M-Max, I need to go home." I said. He rubbed my back.

"Golden, Please. You can stick out the last few days." He whispered. He pulled me back. "hey, I will be like your personal bodyguard." He said smiling.

I nodded and he went to get in the car. Before I opened the door I looked back. Niall was still standing there. Watching. I shook my head. The rest of the boys plus Eleanor were also on the doorstep. I took a deep breathe and got in the car.

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