Chapter Fifty Seven - Choice Of Words

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I was brushing my teeth while Harry changed for bed. We just finished watching the end of a movie that happened to be on TV just now, then we both agreed it was time to call it a night. I washed my face and pulled my hair back, entering the bedroom.

"Ready for bed?" Harry asked as he took off his rings and watch, laying them on the table, on the side of his. I climbed into my spot and laid there, staring up. "Everything okay, love?"

"Yeah.. I just find it weird, you know?" I turned on my side to face him, watching his gentle movements. 

"What's weird?" He climbed under the sheets next to me, facing me with a smile.

"That I live here now. That this is now my home too and now my bed." I smiled, covering my face with the edge of my pillow, Harry pulled it away from me.

"It will always be your place, too. It was always and only be our bed." Harry kissed my forehead.

"Good night." I mumbled and closed my eyes. 

"Good night babe." Harry whispered back to me.

"Is it really fine with me going with Danielle for awhile?" I mumbled keeping my eyes closed.

It took him a minute to respond but he did. "I don't like the idea, but it's good for you and you're going to do what you want no matter what I say anyway." I headr him laugh, he made the bed move slightly.

"You know me well, Styles." Then I rolled over on my side, and started to go into a peaceful, calm sleep.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Eleanor's P.O.V

"Danielle? Do you want one as well?" I was getting a chocolate pop tart, while Danielle was in sitting on the couch, flipping through channels.

"No. Did you speak to Ali yet?"

"Nope, have you?" I walked in with my pop tart and a glass of milk, sitting own next to the coffee table. Danielle looked tired but never wanted to call it a night, she was actaully looking much better tonight, much more like herself.

"I just called but there was no answer, I will try to reach her tomorrow morning anyway."

I nodded and started eating my pop tart. "Have you heard about Ali and Harry moving in together?!" I asked her, drinking my milk quickly.

"Wait What?! Are you joking with me?" Danielle muted the TV and turned to me, crossing her legs up on the couch.

"Louis told me eariler over the phone after they left the studio, just remembered. I think it's great news."

"I do too, but don't you think she is moving a little bit to fast?" Danielle asked, biting her nails.

"Why does that matter?" I asked her.

"'Cause, Liam and I were together for years and since we moved in together, we started getting into fights and wanting to spend time away from each other, not together. Then well, look at me now. I ended up moving out, back here." Danielle started biting her lip.

"I know she isn't Liam and I but it could happen cause we are alike. I just don't want her to bulid up a life here in London and ended up having to move back home."

"Danielle, I know you seem worried about them both, but seeing Harry look at Ali, you can tell it's love, the same way goes for when Ali looks at Harry. They aren't, They won't be like Liam and you. And I say that in the best way possible." I took another mouth full of my pop tart, finishing it off.

"Thanks?" Danielle smiled slowly, "I know they love each other but they are both still young adults and things change. I mean, what about Niall?"

"What about Niall?" I looked at Danielle, why was she brining Niall into this now? 

"I mean, we all know Niall is in love with Ali, he always was, yet Harry still goes after her." Danielle started to explain to me, "I can still see it anyway. The look in his eyes, his reactions towards her."

"You would rather Niall and Ali be together instead?" I asked, finally getting what she meant slowly.

"No! I am not saying that, I mean.. I just feel like Niall liked her first but he is shy and never actaully got a move like Harry did to win Ali over."

"Ali did like Niall, but he always put her second, he isn't ready for a girlfriend, at least a serious girlfriend yet." I crossed my arms. Single Danielle always picked and broke down many things, but now she was picking at another couple.

"Yes, I remember that. But maybe she wants to avoid Niall by using Harry, beliving she is in love with Harry and not Niall."

"Danielle." I said, glaring at her.

"I'm sorry I just said that but..." Danielle looked down, "I am just saying a few ideas and thoughts that come to mind right now."

"Well if Ali knew about this she would hate you, because you aren't being supportive towards her." I stood up to take out my dishes. "I'm staying out of it because I don't want to lose Ali and I am sure you don't want to lose her either."

I walked out to lay the dishes in the sink and quickly returned. "Bed?" 

Danielle nodded. "Practice your choice of words before you speak about others, Dani."

"Don't worry I will talk about you next time I am alone with Ali." Danielle winked playfully at me.

I rolled my eyes at her and laughed.

(Sorry for stupid little mistakes but remember, the story will be finshed at 70 chapters. Have any ideas on how the end will work out to be? Sorry for a small and boring chapter) :)

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