Extra 45: Dream Date

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Thank you for 27K! Enjoy!
I sat in the boat as Barry drove. I offered to help him but he declined. He took me for a special boat ride after taking me to a fancy dinner and we enjoyed a movie as well.
"It's really nice out," he said as he stopped the boat and joined me on the front. We sat in the two seats and looked at the water among us. We were sitting as close as we could to each other and I wouldn't have wanted it any other way. The moon's reflection glowed on the surface, making it a perfect night on the water.
"It is....and..Thank you," I said smiling at him. He returned the smile and leaned over to kiss me. I met him half way and crashed my lips into his. I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck and kept them there. We held the kiss for a few seconds until Barry broke it and ran to the back of the boat.
"I almost forgot," he said returning to me. I saw what he was holding and cupped my hands over my mouth.
"I know you've always wanted to do this and I remember you talking about it. Besides, it was in that Disney movie......."Tangled" right?...." he asked holding up a lantern. I nodded.
We went up to the edge of the boat and Barry was behind me. His body was pressed against mine and he held my hand as I held the lantern.
He took out the lighter and lit up the small candle inside it. After thinking and taking in this moment we released the lantern into the night sky. We watched as it floated light as a feather, not being blown away by the ocean breeze. With his hand in mine, one of my dreams came true. And I got to do it with the one I love.
Here is a short for you. It's also smaller than the others but I will make up for it soon. Thank you for 27K and I'll see you in the next short! -Flashette1

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