Extra 27: Ice Skating

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"Done!" I said as I tightened my laces. I stood up and walked over to Barry who was patiently waiting for me. We decided to go on a date tonight and Barry wanted to go ice skating.
"Ready?" He asked me.
"Let's go!" I said taking his arm and dragging him to the rink. As soon as Barry's skates hit the ice he was off. But I found myself like a deer trying to walk for the first time. I was wobbling all over the place and struggled to stand. I found comfort in gripping the wall and dragging myself around the rink.
"C'mon!" Barry said, nudging me to let go.
"The wall is my friend."
"You can't stay there forever."
"Says who?"
"Your coming with me," he said prying my hands off the wall. I linked my arm with his and he taught me how to skate.
After a while I let go of his arm and I was skating on my own. I found myself zooming around the rink and Barry smiled. Eventually, since this was a date I interlocked our fingers and we skated together in synch.
Barry stopped in front of me and I couldn't, so I slammed into his chest. I ended up pushing him over and I fell on top of him. We smiled and laughed as we laid on the ice cold rink. We stood up, and Barry's back was soaked.
"Let's just forget that happened. And to resume what were to happen if we didn't fall......." he said bringing his face slowly closer to mine.
"You take too long," I said grabbing his face and closing the gap between us.
Another Charry short. I hope you are enjoying these shorts and more are coming. See you in the next short! -Flashette1

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