Extra 121: Suspicions

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Hello Flashette FAM! Writing is in the works! Sorry for this short extra, but more chapters are on the way! Book 3 is coming to an end soon!😱..But this series will be continued with a book 4! THE SEASON FINALE IS ALMOST HERE! Are you ready for the finale of FLASHETTE? BIG THINGS ARE HAPPENING! Talk to you soon and enjoy this short!
     "Nice of you to join us there, Flashes," Cisco said as Barry and I entered the cortex. Caitlin and HR had been absent, and Cisco was the only one upstairs. Cisco could tell something was a little off, due to our displaced clothes and messy hair. He squinted his eyes: "Say, what were you doing this morning?" He asked. "You're usually here by 8:15...It's 8:20."
     "What's a 5 minute difference?" Barry asked, nudging my side. A small smile appeared in the corner of my lips and Barry smiled back. I pulled at my shirt, trying to keep it together. Cisco raised his eyebrows and sat back in his chair, still observing us suspiciously.
      "I had some...Stuff...I had to do..." replied Barry. Cisco continued to examine us, noticing the awkwardness. Silence came over us, and Cisco didn't hesitate to break it.
     "I'm assuming you were the stuff?" Cisco asked me. My cheeks turned pink and I gave a side eye at Barry. Barry kept his head held high, while my eyes fell to the floor.  Cisco must have noticed my awkward sidestep because he stood up from his chair and began waving his arms in the air.
     "Gotcha!" Cisco exclaimed.
     "Told you, 5 minutes..." replied Barry.
I hope you enjoyed. More updates are coming, and big things are in store for the future! Be sure to check back soon for more content, and I'll see you in the next update!
*This was a more mature idea themed short. Let me know what you'd like to see more of!*

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