Extra 116: Cassanova

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       "HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON?" I asked, angrily.
       "Not long, I-"
       "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!" I yelled as I threw Barry's jacket and bag towards him. He catched it and his gaze caught the floor. He reached out to touch my hand, and I pulled away. With that, he took his stuff and left. I didn't know where, and I didn't care.

     "How long has it been?" Caitlin, my longtime friend asked.
       "A month.." I replied.
     "How are you holding up?"
     "Okay. Im glad he's out of my life. My life is better without him in it."
       "That's a great way to think about it! Don't let this drag you down. Whataya say we go hit the bar tonight...Maybe a little karaoke?" She asked.
      "You remember last time right....
🎤Summer Lovin....Had me a blast🎤" I began to sing. Caitlin face palmed:
      "Don't remind me."
       "I'd love to. See you at 8?"
         "Perfect! See you there!" Caitlin said before grabbing her coat and walking out.

8 O'clock
       "Whats cookin', good lookin'?" Caitlin asked as I walked up to greet her. "You look amazing!"
      "So do you!" I said, noticing her dress and matching heels.
       "Let's head in, I'm up for some drinks," Caitlin said before I followed her inside. We sat at our table and a waiter took our drink orders. After a while of talking and watching the performers on the stage, I saw something I really didn't want see:
      "Isn't that-"
     "Yup," I replied, noticing Barry and another girl in the corner. He had been flirting with her, gradually getting closer. I was filled with emotions and I knew just how to channel them.
     "I'll be right back. I have a song to sing."
      "Don't you have stage fright?" Caitlin asked.
      "Not anymore," I replied before standing up from the table and walking over to the DJ booth.
       "How about a little Cowboy Cassanova?" I asked him.
      "You got it," he said before he played the track. I walked up to the stage and grabbed my microphone. The instrumental started playing and I was getting the crowd pumped up. Barry took notice of my stage presence and his face turned to shock.

🎤You better take it from me, that boy is like a disease
You're running, you're trying, you're trying to hide
And you're wondering why you can't get free

I sang, pointing to Barry.

He's like a curse, he's like a drug
You get addicted to his love
You wanna get out but he's holding you down
'Cause you can't live without one more touch

He's a good time cowboy casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
Looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't want to fight
You better run for your life

I see that look on your face

I directed to Barry's mystery girl.

You ain't hearing what I say
So I'll say it again
'Cause I been where you been
And I know how it ends
You can't get away
Don't even look in his eyes

I sang as I took my microphone off the stand. I slowly walked down the stairs.

He'll tell you nothing but lies
And you wanna believe
But you won't be deceived
If you listen to me
And take my advice

He's a good time cowboy casanova
Leaning up against the record machine

I sang, walking over to Barry's table.

Looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night

I reached Barry's table and I looked at him dead in the eyes. I placed my hand on his chest and made my way toward his tie. I pulled it close to me and we were face to face. I continued to sing, and I could see the lust in his eyes. He leaned in for a kiss, and I pushed him away.

Gives you feelings that you don't want to fight
You better run for your life

Run run away
Don't let him mess with your mind
He'll tell you anything you want to hear
He'll break your heart
It's just a matter of time
But just remember

He's a good time cowboy casanova
Leaning up against the record machine
Looks like a cool drink of water
But he's candy-coated misery
He's the devil in disguise
A snake with blue eyes
And he only comes out at night
Gives you feelings that you don't want to fight
You better run for your life

Oh you better run for your life
Oh you better run for your life🎤 I dropped the mic. I could tell the audience was fired up because of their crazy applause and their shouting of "Encore!." Throughout the song, I motioned toward Barry and I could tell that he got the message. He was now sitting at the table, eyes locked on me. His mistress had fled before she threw her drink at him.
"That....That...W-was greeeaat!" Caitlin exclaimed as I joined her back at the table.
"Really? I thought it was okay."
"You were amaaazing!" Caitlin slurred. I took her shot glass away and replaced it with my bottled water. "Cisco should be here to pick you up at any moment and I will be on my merry way!" I said before I walked toward the door. Cisco passed by me on the way in and I told him where Caitlin was. After I knew Caitlin was all set, I began my walk home.
"What was that little show?" Barry asked, coming up behind me.
"The more important question is: what are you doing here?" I asked.
"I asked first."
"That was me channeling my emotions in a positive way."
"Positive? You ruined me. You ruined my chances of being with anyone in this city. Now everyone thinks Barry Allen is a snake. Beware....Stay away.."
"As they should. I mean, it's the truth right. Me doing this was only fair, considering you ruined me. Now we're even," I said, walking a little faster. Barry caught up to me and grabbed my arm. He pulled me back.
"This isn't how it ends. You're not just gonna show up in the most sexiest outfit, pour your heart about about me, and then walk away like it's nothing."
"That's exactly what i'm doing. You had your chance, Allen. It's gone now."
"Please, just give me one more-"
"I don't give a shit about your sincerity. If it's even real, anyway. I know I'll just be one of your toys. One of your trophies. Constantly sleeping with girls and dating around isn't like you. It's not the Barry I fell in love with. It's certainly someone I don't wanna be with."
"I can change...I promise....I'll be-"
"Cut the shit. Everybody knows you're a liar and a cheater. Now, go back to your table and wait for your next victim," I said before I escaped his grasp and walked away, leaving him speechless on this dark and cloudy night.
HERE IS A SHORT FOR YOU! More shorts and chapters are in the world. Sorry for the late updating as well, a lot has been going on but I am catching up.
I also am working up some questions for the questions book, so submit some if you have any!
I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in the next short! -Flashette1

*How about thursday's Riverdale episode?*

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