Extra 111: 50 shades of Grant

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      "Barry! Are you alright?" I asked as I ran over to him. He had been pinned down by the latest Metahuman we were fighting. This meta had the ability to control minds and take over consciouses. I ran the meta to the pipeline and checked back in with Barry.
      "I'm fine," he replied as I helped him up. He had a twinkle in his eye, but it seemed normal for him.
We arrived back at S.T.A.R Labs and Caitlin cleared us both to go home. We bid farewell to the team and were on our way. We decided to enjoy the cool winter night and walk home together.
"Glad that's over. That meta could do some pretty damaging stuff, huh Bar?" I asked. He suddenly unlinked our arms and took a step back.
"Who are you? You're not-"
"Barry?" I interrupted.
"Who's that? I'm Grant. I don't know who this Barry is....Except for the one that I play on a TV show...I certainly don't know who you are," Barry said before he started running off. I sped to him and brought him to S.T.A.R Labs. We secured him in the pipeline and Caitlin gave him an evaluation. After that, she concluded that she would make an antidote while I kept him company. That gave me time to see all of Barry's Alter-Ego's from different earths.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Grant Gustin....We've been over this!....Born January 14th, 1990.....Son of Tom Gustin and Tina Haney.....I own two dogs.....Jett and Nora.....Ring a bell?"
"No, It doesn't. You're not.....Grant, you're Barry Allen. Son of Nora and Henry Allen. Engaged to me and well known for being "The Flash."" I stood in the entrance of the pipeline and continued to ask him questions. I turned my back to leave when I heard a grunt come from Barry's cell. He had his back to the wall and he was shaking furiously. I ran to the door and watched as his body eventually relax and the shaking died down.
"Bar?" I asked.....
"Yeah.....It's.." He said before his body shook again. I waited for the shaking to die down, and I asked again:
"Who's that? What am I doing here? Where's the rest of the warblers? This looks like something straight out of a sci-do movie, except for you good lookin,"said Barry.
       "And who might this cheesy little Romeo be now?" I asked. 
       "Sebastian Smythe."
       "Also knows as: "The Devil In A Dalton Blazer, I've heard about you from another earth."
      "Another ear-" he said before closing his eyes. This time he blacked out for a few seconds before coming back. "Is this some kind of Psychiatric facility?" Barry asked as his new conscience walked around and examined the cell. "I don't need Psychiatric help. Though I have depression, I handle it myself. Where's Venessa? Where's my parents? How do I get out of here?" He yelled. I came out from the shadows. "Who are you?" He asked, nervously.
      "I can see you're in a panic. My name's Chloe. What has you so spun up?" I asked. He plopped down to the bottom of his cell and began to cry.
      "It all started when my first girlfriend Cheryl broke up with me....Not to mention my foster care dilemma and parents divorce...As well as this new girl taking over my life and making me-"
      "Okay then. Calm down...Deep breaths..." I instructed. He followed before the symptoms of another character came on, and he became another person.
     "You're not Kate, who are you?" He asked.
       "Chloe. In reality, you're Barry Allen, married to me and the parent of this here," I said pointing to my stomach.
     "I don't know of such a thing. The name's Todd Goodman. And the only lover I have in my life is the lovely Kate Miller....Now can you get me out of here?" He asked. "I have to get back to my preppy lifestyle."
     "That's for sure," I said before speeding upstairs to check on how the antidote was coming along.
     "How's it going?" I asked as I sped into the cortex.
      "It's blending right now...Almost there....How's Barry?" She asked.
     "Seems to be doing well. He's been multiple different people so far. It's scary to think that all of those people are a part of one person."
     "I'm sure it is. But this antidote should get rid of the affects," Caitlin said before I took the vile and went back down to the cortex. I could hear the yelling of a new Barry.
     "Hello!!" He called. I entered, and he spoke:
     "I don't know where I am, or what I've done to be here, but I demand my lawyer!" He said as he stomped his foot on the ground.
    "And you are..." I said as I walked over to the cell and typed the password in slowly. 
      "Campbell Price. Charming and outstanding student of "California University." I am head of the "Cronus," society, and I can use my money to get me out of everything. How much will it cost you to let me go?" He asked.
      "Nothing....You're free," I said as the panel came open and he stepped out.
      "Are you sure? This seems more like someth-" he said before I sped over to him and injected the antidote into his arm. I waited a few seconds and I caught Barry's collapsing body. I placed him gently on the ground and waited for him to wake.
      "What happened?" He asked as he sat up from the pipeline floor.
     "You got whammied by that Metahuman we fought the other day. Remember?"
      "Not clearly, and what happened after that?" He asked.
      "I got to listen to all your alter-egos and eventually, Caitlin made a sedative that brought you back.
       "At least it was me. Imagine all the crazy alter-egos I'd have to deal with if it were you...." said Barry.
     "I can only imagine."
HERE'S A SHORT FOR YOU!! Sorry it took me so long to get one out, but I've been busy. I got this idea a while ago, and I decided to follow through with it. I don't own any of the "alter-ego" characters mentioned, but they were all character Grant Gustin has played. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next short!

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