Extra 108: Never Be

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       It was lunch, and the highlight of my day. It was the only time I got to see Barry, and I treasured the time I got. Just seeing his smile makes me 100 times happier. Just seeing his cute facial features and amazing personality make me weak.
      "Hey!" I exclaimed as I sat down next to my best friend, Iris. I was hoping Barry would notice, but he didn't.  He wasn't paying attention to anyone, but another girl. He was sitting next to another one of my friends, and I know that she had a huge crush on him.
      I had been getting closer to Barry. I talk to him a little in the morning, and even more at lunch. We have a lot in common, and there's nothing stoping me from going after him.....Except for the fact that he has a girlfriend.....And he has for a while......But he's always so flirty and I fill myself with false hope that he will fall in love with me and leave her, but I know that will never happen.
     I got no response from him after my previous attempt. I just sat down and continued to eat my lunch while making small talk with Iris. Occasionally, I would look over at Barry, who took off this girls jacket for her, and wrapped his hand around hers for a short period of time. They even hugged, and it wasn't until I made a comment that he noticed me. And even then I was still fighting for his attention.
     All I wanted was to talk to him.....Take in the time I had, but I couldn't do that. I'm not even with him, and still I'm jealous of that one girl who got all his attention. I love him so much, and there's nothing I can do about that. I've never felt this way about someone, and it sucks that he didn't see it the same way. I'll just have to face the fact that he'll never be mine.
    And sometimes I wonder how he really feels about me. He cares one minute, and ignores me the next.
There was a time when I would catch him staring, or he blushed when his hand would brush mine....I actually thought there was a chance. But there won't be, because he doesn't realize what I do. He doesn't see the relationship we could have. He doesn't see me....He doesn't love me......He will never be......We will never be.......
      I hope you enjoyed! The crossover chapter is in the works right now, and I am going to publish it as one big chapter. It will be published sometime tomorrow, or over the weekend. I hope you enjoyed and more is to come! -Flashette1

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