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     I followed Barry, until he stopped at his mom's grave. He must not have know I was following because he never turned around or acknowledged my presence. I hid in the bushes and listened to his conversation:
     "Hey mom, It's me. I've had a pretty rough day. Iris got hurt because of me, and I have been betrayed once again by someone I let get close to me. I don't know why I screw up all the time.........But we got the Reverse Flash today...He can't come back to harm us anymore. Chloe and the Baby are safe, but I'm afraid I'm going to screw up so bad. I'm afraid that i'll do one simple thing and ruin everything. I don't want them to be taken away from me like you were," Barry said crying and rolling up his sleeves. I knew exactly what he was going to do, and I couldn't help myself but stop him.
      "BARRY, STOP!" I yelled coming out of the bushes. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. I rolled his sleeves back down and grabbed his hands.
     "No, I'm not going through this again with you. You've been so good. Don't go back into that dark place," I said before kissing him. "You're going to be a great parent, and sure you're going to make mistakes. But I am too and it's okay. You don't have to try so hard to be the perfect person, because you are. What happened today was not in your control, and you have to realize that. I love you, and this baby needs you. You don't want it to grow up and go through the same thing we did."
      "Thank you," Barry said before kissing me. He kissed me hard, and I returned the kiss. We pulled away to look at each other for a few seconds before kissing more. Barry was trying to make it more than what it was, but I denied every sly move he tried.
     "C'mon," Barry encouraged.
     "No. Do you not see the big thing here?" I said pointing to my stomach. "This was a result of last time. Can we try not to have any more children until we at least have our first one?"
     "Fine," Barry said. We continued kissing until it was really late. I'm glad I came to Barry's rescue, because he would have been in serious trouble if I didn't.
     As soon as we got home, Barry answered a phone call from Cisco. A few minutes later, he came back into the bedroom. I was about to get in the shower, when he knocked on the door. 
     "Are you done talking with Cisco?" I asked him as he opened the door slightly.
     "Yeah, he said that tomorrow we are going to Earth 2." I didn't know what to think about that. I was nervous to find out what life would be like there, but I was happy because we were closer to getting Zoom.
     "Do you mind if I join you?" Barry asked me, peeking his head in the door and raising his eyebrows. 
      "Not at all, Mr Allen," I replied before he undressed and lifted me onto the countertop. 
     After our shower, we both changed, and I got out my laptop. I began working on some forensics cases, while Barry laid next to me, Playing Five Nights At Freddy's.
     "Woah, Chica, nice hips!" Barry exclaimed at the screen. "If only Chloe dressed like that at home," Barry mumbled.
     "I heard that!" I told him, ripping his headphones out.
     "Well it's true," Barry commented.
     "So you wouldn't mind looking at this?" I asked him, lifting up my shirt, showing my bump.
     "Your bump is beautiful," he said before bending over and kissing it. We exchanged smiles and a kiss before I went back to work on a case. After a few minutes, it was hard to work because Barry was laughing at the screen so loud. He was watching a Markiplier challenge video, and couldn't contain himself. I gave in, and watched it with him. I went back to the case after it was over, and successfully finished it. By the time I was done with my case, Barry was asleep with his headphones on. I went to go turn off his computer, and noticed that he was watching a "parenting for dummies" video. I smiled, shut down the computer, and shut the lights off. I snuggled in Barry's chest and we were asleep.
     The next morning, Barry and I were excited because it was the day we were going to go to Earth 2. We hurriedly ate our breakfast, got changed, packed a bag for earth 2, and we were out the door.
     "Earth 2 is totally different than here. Don't get sucked into everyday life there, and don't get emotionally attached. You will see things that you would never see here, and don't let it fool you," Jay said. "We will try our best to monitor you here."
     "Sorry to tell you, but I don't think that Skype works over earths," I joked.
      "Haha, very funny," Jay said before he fired up the speed cannon. It went online, and I jumped in, followed by Cisco, Harry and Barry.
      When we arrived, it was like nothing I had ever seen before. There were train like shuttles going around, and everything looked golden. Even S.T.A.R. Labs was different. The interior was fully functional, and looked more like a museum than a lab.
     "Hi Dr Wells, we weren't expecting you!" Hewitt said shaking his hand. Barry, Cisco, and I gave a look of shock when their hands touched. Nothing happened, so we tried to play it off. We went into Wells' office and we talked up a plan. The tv came on, and it was a news report. It was a voice that sounded too familiar. I turned around to look at the tv and saw Barry put his head in his hands after realizing what we were looking at. It was Barry on the screen, but he looked extra nerdy. He had glasses, a sweater vest, and a cute bowtie. He spoke very articulate and sciency.
     "That gives me an idea," Barry said before he sped away. He returned with the Barry that we had just seen on the screen.
     "Wait where am I....who are you and...why do you look like me.....Dr Wells......Huh.....Um....Hi! Your thesis on string phenomenology was revolutionary! I have it laminated so I can-" the Barry tried to say before our Barry tazed him.
     "Whats your plan now?" I asked him. He replied by speeding Barry into a closet. Our Barry returned wearing the nerdy Barry clothes.
     "You look so cute!" I said walking up to him and kissing him. I put the earpiece in Barry's ear, and he was off exploring. I had the idea to capture my doppelgänger, but mine isn't pregnant. I listened in to everything going on in the earpiece, and it was interesting and different from our earth. Iris was a cop, and Barry was married to her. At first I was angered, but then I remembered what Jay said about not getting too emotionally attached. Barry even ran into my doppelgänger and talked with her. I found out that she was married and had a child. I could tell Barry was flustered by this, but then he too remembered the emotional attachment talk. The thing that affected me the most was when Barry went to his house. Him and Iris shared a house, and it looked just like Joe's. When he walked by the phone, he was surprised to see his mom and dad were one of the contacts. He dialed the number and called:
     "Yes Barry, is everything alright?"
     "Yeah....it is..." Barry said tearing.
     "Okay, well why are you calling?"
     "I just wanted to hear the sound of your voice. How are things?"
     "Good. How are things with you?"
     "Great. I gotta go. I'll call you later."
     "Okay Bar, we love you so much."
     "I love you too mom,"
Barry said into the phone now crying. He carefully placed the phone back on the hook, and ran over to S.T.A.R Labs still crying. I pulled him in for a hug and he continued crying.
     "She's alive Chloe," Barry told me. When he calmed down a bit, I spoke:
     "I think you could use some coffee. Anyone up for Jitters?" I asked.
     "You forget that this isn't your earth," Harry muttered.
     "Well they have to have one somewhere. Let's go!" I said. Without even thinking of the risks, I grabbed Barry's hand and lead him around earth 2. When I realized we weren't together on this earth, I dropped his hand and continued on. Cisco and Harry were monitoring to make sure my doppelgänger didn't come in, and I was wearing a loose dress, so it made my bump less noticeable. We came to a place called "Jitterbugs" which was in the same place as Jitters. We walked in and were surprised to what we saw. Joe was standing on stage singing for a crowd. After the song, he shot Barry a nasty look. We sat down after getting our drinks and Joe came over to talk:
     "Hey Joe!" Barry exclaimed.
      "So you finally decide to talk nice to me, huh Bartholemew?"
     "What....um....no...Joseph," Barry said. Joe snickered.
     "Unbelievable. I don't know what my daughter sees in you." Barry was about to speak before 2 figures came in. And they weren't human. They were metas. Taking the form of Caitlin and Ronnie were Killer Frost and Deathstorm.
     "I sense some people that shouldn't be...time jumpers. Now who is it?" She said walking around, continuing to suck on her lollipop. A few minutes after their arrival, Iris entered with her gun in the air.
     "CCPD. Don't move."
     "Oh honey, what a big mistake. Do the honors sweetie," Caitlin said motioning to Ronnie. The fireball he threw was about to hit Iris, until Joe lept offstage and dodged it.
      "DAD!" Iris yelled. His injury created a diversion, and we were able to sneak out the back of Jitterbugs. We suited up and sped back in. I sped Joe to a nearby hospital, while Barry got everyone, including Iris out of there.
     "Well who do we have here?" Caitlin asked. "Time jumpers. And it's the people we've been expecting....Zoom wants you dead Flashes!"
      "What else is new?" I asked before I sped around, dodging the blasts they were throwing. Barry did the same, and we were able to get them to move into an alley. Our brawl was interrupted by a voice Barry and I knew too well, and a doppelgänger we had not yet encountered:
     "Hello Flashes," Cisco said.
     "Cisco? What happened to you?"
     "ITS REVERB!" He yelled "I joined the dark side. It's way more fun. Too bad I had to crash the party though," he said before sending a strong gust of wind in Barry and I's direction. We were thrown against dumpsters. We felt pain all over our bodies, and couldn't do anything about it. Altogether, they used their powers against us and nearly killed us. Zoom came in to stop their destruction.
     "What are you doing? I want them alive."
     "We just got them like you wanted. Here they are. Now you better give us what we want."
     "Watch how you talk to me if you want to stay alive," Zoom said.
     "We gave you what you wanted so let us go!" Caitlin said.
     "The cost of servitude is sacrifice," he said before he sped over to Ronnie and dug his claw into his abdomen, like he did with Barry.
     "No!" Caitlin cried when Ronnie was thrown to the ground. "You monster," she told him while running over to his aid. Ronnie had died in her arms, and Zoom had no heart for her. He ignored Caitlin, and went to talk to Cisco, but he had fled.
     "Change of plans. I only want the pink one," Zoom said before he sped over to me. "I'll save him for later," Zoom said before picking me up and speeding me away.

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