Extra 24: Got A Guitar

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     Here is a short because the first book has hit 22K. Enjoy!
     It was official. I had finally gotten a guitar. I've been wanting to play for ages, but never had the time. For the time being since Zoom was gone, I thought it would be a good time.
     It was black and white and was a little smaller compared to other guitars. I walked through the door of my house with so many different ideas. I didn't know where to start.
I brought it up to my room and put the strap on it. I had a pic in hand and was looking online for chord diagrams. With each chord, I tried to place my fingers on the correct frets and strings. I was having a hard time and was interrupted from my frustrated muttering when Barry walked into the door:
"What's that?" He asked me.
"My guitar.......Artemis."
"Creative choice of name. I see you're trying to learn some chords, need help?"
"You know how to play?"
"A little. You can't have such a beautiful voice as mine and not play an instrument with it," he said walking over to me and sitting on the bed. I handed my guitar over to him and he placed it perfectly in his hands.
His positioning and placement was perfect and it was everything I wanted. He played a perfect C chord, one that I had such a hard time with. He then played "Can't help falling in love." (The 21 Pilots version is AMAZING!)
I smiled and rocked back and forth as I was taken away by Barry's angelic voice and the strumming of each chord.    
      When he was done, he helped me with my positioning of the chords and I was starting to get the hang of it. He even helped me with the C chord.
I played the guitar for over 6 hours straight and I owe all I learned to Barry.......and the Internet of course.
Here is a short because the first Flashette book has hit 22K! I came up with this idea because I got a guitar today! I hope you enjoyed and a 9K short for the second book is on the way!

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