Extra 63: Proposal Alternate

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(Not connected to plotline) Thank you for 38K! Enjoy!
At this point in my life, it was actually starting to calm down. Zoom was gone and metahuman action was low. Putting away criminals at CCPD was a breeze, and using our powers to finish cases made it easier. Barry and I got a lot of time off and one of those days off turned out to be one of the most special.
It started out like any other day, waking up next to Barry wrapped in his arms. We exchanged a few words and glances before I got up to make breakfast. He joined me when it was done and greeted me with arms around my waist and a kiss on the cheek.
After breakfast, we got dressed and went out. We walked around the park and around town, looking at anything and everything. We stopped at a few shops and I bought a few things. After that, we went to a restaurant for lunch and continued our journey around town.
Many bags and shops later, we went to the beach. Barry's fingers were intertwined with mine as we walked along the shore. We laughed, talked, and joked, as we walked along.
We reached the end of the beach and I couldn't believe what I saw. Pictures of us, hanging from stakes in the sand. From when we first met......our first dance...our first date...all the funny....serious....beautiful moments.....all displayed in front of my eyes. I walked to every photo and examined them. I could remember all the moments as I looked at the photos and a tear escaped my eye.
"You did all this?" I asked Barry while turning around. When I turned around, I was even more shocked by what I saw. Barry was on one knee, ring box in hand. Through the tears, he spoke:
"Chloe, I have known you my whole life. We've been through so much together. Good and bad. We were always there to comfort each other. We had always been good friends. Stupidly, it took me a while to realize I wanted be more. And I'm glad that I did because you are the most beautiful, perfect person. Sometimes I wonder what I did to deserve someone like you. Your smile...your laugh...everything about you is amazing and I wouldn't change a thing about you.
I want to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to wake up every morning with you as my wife. Will you marry me?" Barry asked opening the box. It was a stunning diamond ring.
"Yes," I replied with tears in my eyes. They spilled as Barry slipped the ring on my finger and picked me up. He spun me around and I was happy. When he put me down, I wrapped my hands around his neck and kissed him.
We were both happy knowing that something good came from all the bad happening around us.
Here's a Charry short for you. I love writing these and more are coming. I was also wondering if you'd want to see more shorts like the last few. How they have the song lyrics and the text......let me know what you think and thank you for everything! If you have any requests or questions, you can message or comment.
(Current Song Playing- "Heathens" by "Twenty One Pilots")

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