Extra 103: Bye Bye Barry

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      I sat in the dark of my room and let the silence take over me. This was a day I thought would never come. A day that came too soon. A day I wasn't prepared for.
This was the day my love was torn from my arms, who will never hold him ever again.
     He was my rock. He kept me sane through all the darkness we faced......and we faced it....together......but now I'm........Alone. A feeling I knew too well. A feeling that Barry shielded me from. But now, he's no longer able to do that.
     And it was all because of our greatest enemy. The one we had fought many times before. Every time, Barry came out triumphantly and stood among him with pride and confidence. No longer was he here to do that.
     It was that great enemy that was the source of my sorrow. He took my greatest and only love away, and left me with nothing. I can have all the luxuries of  life, but nothing compares to my Barry........My green eyed dream. The one i'll love forever. The one who I always think about, and the one who always consumes my thoughts.  
       My lifelong best friend and husband, an amazing son, and an even amazing father. I love him with all my heart and I can't accept the fact that he's gone......Especially when it was so soon.
       The moment still flashes in my mind. We were on our last leg and losing the fight. Barry sacrificed his life for me, and that's something i'll never forget.......Holding his limp body as our enemy taunted me......Seeing how hard he tried to stay collected in his last hour.....Sharing one last kiss before I would never kiss his lips again.....Seeing him take his final breath.....And finally, watching as he was gone forever.....My Bar left the world because of me......My conscience is filled with guilt, though it shouldn't be.
        I'm left at a crossroads. Part of me doesn't want to live without my greatest love, and part of me knows that Barry wouldn't want that.......
        This was the hardest moment of my life. After losing my parents, my child, and later: Barry, I felt like I had no one left. It was going to be hard living without him.
        Barry was amazing all around. He would always greet me with a kiss and a smile. He never let the darkness consume him, and I admired him for that. He always knew what to say and how to make me smile. He truly was caring for those he loved, and I've witnessed that firsthand. He was very sacrificial of his life and would put it on the line in a heartbeat for those he loved. 
     He made me strong, and held me up when I was falling under. He made me happy and smile. He made the bad times better, and the worst nights not so bad.
      He would cheer me up when I was down, and take care of me when I was sick. He'd tell me corny jokes and act like a little child sometimes because that's the kind of person he was. It's heartbreaking to think he won't be here to do that anymore. But I know he is here and is watching over me. I know that Barry would want me to move on and go on with my life, and it's going to be hard. It's going to be hard not waking up and falling asleep to our bodies close together and the rhythm of his heartbeat.
       He wasn't just my lover, but also my best friend. We had been through thick and thin together. We had 15+ years of history together. He was my first dance, and prom date. He was my first kiss, and my last. He was my lab partner for every activity, and he was how I survived all this time.
          The lab is going to feel so empty without him. It's going to be difficult working in the lab without thinking about him and all the memories we made together.
Going out as Flashette is going to be hard as well. Barry won't be here to help on missions, and the public will be devastated when they find out that their savior has been diminished.
     Carrying on without him will be the hardest part. I'll never love again, not like I loved Barry. He would want me to move on, but I won't. I love him too much to do that.
     I don't know if i'll ever come to terms that he's gone. Everywhere I go, I see him or am reminded of a memory of ours. And to be honest, I don't want to let him go. Someday, we will be together again, and I'm looking forward to seeing his face once again. But for now, all I can do is grieve and take my time. I love you Barry.......Bye Bye Barry......
RIGHT IN THE FEELS!!!! I know this short is sad, but I felt like writing one like this. This isn't in the plot or anything, but I came up with the idea and it turned into something really emotional. Thank you for everything, and I'll see you in the next short!
**Regular content update after Tuesday**

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