Extra 131: Sweet Creature

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This short takes place before they get their powers, but their lives are in a different place. It features a song, and the lyrics are italicized. Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoy! -Flashette1
     Barry and I had another fight, and not just a disagreement. Things were thrown around the room, and the house had been disheveled. The night ended with me curled up in the center of the mess, crying, while Barry was at the bar drowning his sorrows away. That's how things have been going between us recently. We still sleep in the same bed and eat dinner across from each other, but we can feel the distance. Silence has been the main form of communication. Too many conflicts between us have caused a wedge to form.
    We got married less than a year ago and have been living with each other even longer. We were high school sweethearts, and the flame between us has never died out, despite recent events. Now, we were both 21, living on our own, and managing in our current situation.
       It wasn't a few weeks into the fighting that I found out I was pregnant. This of which was happy news, until the bills came, only strengthening the worry of our financial struggle. Through it all,  i've been trying to be the light for Barry. It's been hard for us, both sets of our parents being deceased. But it's a lot harder for us when Barry's light (me) starts to burn out.
       Everything was sweet as sugar during the first few months of the relationship, until life kicked in. Barry started to make less and less money, and I had transitioned from job to job. We were rationing now, saving every penny we got on bare necessities. Some nights were good, some nights were bad. This one, of which, was one of the bad.
      I was currently on the floor, running the whole scene that just happened in my head. I contemplated every thing I said, as well as what just should have said. Tears stained my cheeks, and my eyes, red and puffy.
      For the sake of the moment, I decided I'd clean up the room, trying to help clear my state of mind.

I stood up slowly, hand on my stomach, walking over to where a broken picture lay. I knelt down to it, slowly caressing the picture with my finger. Pushing the glass into one little pile, I picked up the picture and admired it: It was a picture that someone secretly took the day Barry proposed. Barry knelt on the ground with the little box, while my hand was over my mouth. The way we looked at each other, eyes so full of wonder and lust. I wanted that, again. It wasn't that those feelings weren't there, but they had been clouded by the feelings of loss and worry. In that moment, we didn't knew what lied ahead, or what was to come. We didn't know what to expect, and that's what I loved about it. But now, having experienced what we've been through, it makes enjoying the little things and staying optimistic even harder.

  I gave the picture one last glance before placing the wooden framed photo on the side table after standing it back up. I proceeded to clean up the rest of the house, my mind still wondering about Barry. It was 9:00 already, and Barry is usually home earlier than that. Thinking of all the possibilities, I grabbed a water bottle and sat down on the couch, my mind racing. I took a sip, trying to get rid of my pounding headache, my mind continuing to wander.
     I tipped my head back, closing my eyelids slowly. I began to take deep breaths, calming myself down. After a few minutes, guitar was heard off in the distance. Curious as to where it was coming from, I got up off the couch, looking around at the radio. Seeing it was off, my brows furrowed in confusion. As the guitar got louder, I could tell where it was coming from. I shuffled toward the door, gripping my robe tighter around my body as I opened the door. The cold air hit me quickly as the door swung open. Looking out into the cool night, Barry was standing on the steps of our house, guitar in hand, humming and strumming to a tune. Without saying a word, I let him express himself in the only way he could:
      "Sweet creature...Had another talk about where it's going wrong....But we're still young...we don't know where we're going...But we know where we belong," Barry sang, his hands playing along to the words he was singing. Thinking of tonight's events, a tear formed in my eye. The cold made it hard to stay outside, but because Barry was here, I didn't mind. "Oh, we started...Two hearts in one home...It's hard when we argue... We're both stubborn...I know, but oh," Barry looked up at me, a small smile on his face. I could tell by his song that he felt sorry for everything he said, and this was his way of making up for it. I felt sorry too, letting him walk away without stopping him. I was at fault just as much as he was. "Sweet creature, sweet creature...Wherever I go, you bring me home...Sweet creature, sweet creature...When I run out of road, you bring me home," the last line he sang caused a tear to fall down my cheek. I smiled and nodded my head at his attempt to apologize. That line he sang shows that the small light is still present. It shows that despite our hardships, he's still there. The Barry that proposed to me, the one full of thrill and adventure, was still there. "Sweet creature...We're running through the garden...Oh, where nothing bothered us...But we're still young...I always think about you and how we don't speak enough," my heart sank at the realization of everything. This song that he is singing is a perfect reflection of last events, and shows that he wants to mend it...Make it better. I've always had the fear of our love dying out, but this is proof that it can be salvaged...That our love isn't done yet. "Oh, we started...Two hearts in one home...I know it's hard, we argue...We're both stubborn...I know, but oh...Sweet creature, sweet creature...Wherever I go, you bring me home...Sweet creature, sweet creature...When I run out of road, you bring me home...Oh, when we started....Just two hearts in one home...It gets harder when we argue...We're both stubborn...I know, but oh...Sweet creature, sweet creature...Wherever I go, you bring me home...Sweet creature, sweet creature...When I run out of road, you bring me home...You'll bring me home," Barry finished, strumming his last chord. My eyes teared as the chord faded out. His song was beautiful, and just what I needed. I'm glad he came back. I don't know what I'd do if he didn't. My eyes stayed fixed on Barry as he continued to look down at his still hands. But when his eyes looked up and met mine, that's when I began to cry hard. Looking into his eyes, I saw the little glimmer that they used to hold. I saw the way they wrinkled when he looked at me. And with that, I ran to him. He quickly took his guitar off and threw it to the ground as my lips met his. The guitar fell next to us, but we were too wrapped in each other to care. My hands locked around his neck, while his hands rested on the small of my back. This kiss, so full of hunger and passion, a kiss we haven't shared in a long time. After breaking the kiss, Barry looked down at me, lifting my chin up to meet his eyes.
     "I love you," Barry said, a tear in his eye. "After today, I realized that I can't lose you. I care about you too much to let you go, and I am going to ensure that, that never happens. Yes, we may struggle, and there are major roadblocks that result in one of us leaving, but I wanna fix that. I'll get another job...I'll beg Captain for more shifts and work harder...I'll sell some of my parents' junk that's lying in the basement...I'll do everything I can to keep us afloat. I'll do anything I can to keep you by my side," Barry's eyes looked horrified as he spoke, but I knew it was heartfelt. A tear fell and absorbed into Barry's shirt as I cried softly into his shoulder. One of his hands rubbed up and down my back, me continuing to cry. This moment was genuine...forgiving...loving. Barry and I had both been vulnerable to each other, and that's what we needed at that moment. "And I'm sorry for leaving. Walking away stops me from saying something i'll regret. But now, with this baby, i'll do whatever I can to give you guys the best life. We don't have much right now, but I don't need anything else. I don't need a smartphone or designer clothes...All I need is you..." Barry smiled, a small smile then appearing on my lips.
     "I love you too, Bar," I said, hugging him tighter. "And I want to fix this, too. I know that this isn't the end. We are still young, and it will get better," I said, gripping his torso. Barry then pulled me in for a hug.
      It wasn't until we headed inside that we noticed our neighbors had gathered. Our neighbors clutched onto their spouses, tissues in hand. When we acknowledged them, they clapped. I smiled, and waved, to our neighbors who had showed concern for our situation. Little did we know that it would be their help that would get us back on our feet.
     Eventually, when the crowd cleared, we headed inside, attached at the hip. We cooked dinner together, watched tv together, and slept in the same bed, this time, pressed up against each other. After tonight, there was no distance between us. The wedge had disappeared, and those atmosphere around us was different...Optimistic...
      SHORT FOR YOU! New teaser is up for book/season 4, so check it out! A new fact update is out as well!
How are you guys doing? How did you like this update?
     The song I used in this short was: "Sweet Creature" by "Harry Styles." (I know I have some Harry fans somewhere...) I thought this song best fit with this short idea.
     Any Book 4 predictions? Any baby predictions? Names are picked out (One of which, I've known I was going to use since book one) Any guesses? You'll find out possibly in the first chapter of book 4!
     Thank you for reading, voting, adding, commenting, and sharing! Thank you for being such loving and devoting supporters to this series! #FlashetteFam
     I hope you enjoyed, and i'll see you in the next update! -Flashette1 (8/7/17)

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(Monologue, romance, song/lyric, etc.)**

***Since the weekly winner thing wasn't working out that great, I'm coming up with another way for you to  interact with me and for you to get more out of this series. Coming soon!***

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