Extra 74: Date Dilemma

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Thank you for 19K! Enjoy!
There's this guy I've been talking to online. I "met" him through my friend Iris and we've hit it of since then. I haven't met him in person because there's no time in both our busy schedules, but we're working on it.
I  also have worries about meeting him. I don't want him to know my secret and it always gets in the way of me having a normal life.
"Chloe, robbery on 7th."
"Got it Cisco, thanks!" I said through my earpiece. I sped to the scene and saw that my partner was already on the case.
"Feeling slow today Flashette?" The scarlet speedster teased.
"No, feeling cocky today?" I asked back.
"A little. No need to help, I already tied up the loose ends," he said pointing to a group of tied up thugs.
"Not all," I said before I sped behind the truck and captured the leader who had been hiding.
"What would I do without you?" He asked me.
"Fail," I said before stand it in front of him. He leaned in and I put my hand up to his lips and pushed them away. He had this insane crush on me and figured I was his true love. And I wanted to open up to him and tell him who I was but just couldn't. I couldn't take the smallest risk of my secret getting out. So I sped away and back home before anything else could happen.
I plopped down and checked my phone. I had received a text from Barry a few minutes after I had arrived.
B-"I have an opening tonight. Wanna meet?"
C-"Sure, what time?"
B-"8. Jitters okay?"
C- "Perfect. See you there,"
B- "Sounds good,"
I closed the chat and decided what's was going to wear. After that I watched tv and cleaned up my house because I wasn't going to be home later to do it.
8 o'clock came and I met Barry at Jitters. He came first and was sitting alone at a back corner booth. As soon as we made eye contact we both smiled and froze. I wanted to look away, but I couldn't look away from those stunning features.
I made my way to the table and sat down. We started out with small talk and moved on to larger topics. That was until we both got calls on our phones. We both answered at the same time. It was Cisco, calling both of us to tell us of our next mission.
"Now, I'm in the middle of a date," Barry and I both said in unison. We looked at each other and blushed at the realization that we just said date.
"Fine," we both said before we ended the call and both stood up.
"Sorry to end so soon but I have to go. Let's night report I have to......report....." I said.
"Its okay. I have some files I need to......file.......we'll reschedule rhough, right?" Barry asked.
"Definitely" I said before he walked out the door. I followed after him and immediately sped home. I changed into my suit and arrived on the scene.
We were on a building. The tallest building in Central City. And standing on top of it were Captain Cold and Heatwave. They had Barry's dad hanging over the edge of the building. They just let him hang as we talked.
"Welcome friends.......I see we meet again...."
"Let him go!" I said.
"Not until I find out the lady behind the mask."
"Why would I do that?" I asked.
"Because if you don't, he dies," Leonard said pointing to Henry. He was on his last leg and could barely hold on anymore. I had to think quick and I did what I had to do. I pulled back the link mask off my face and faced every one with shocked expressions.
"Chloe, nice of you to do this for your friend....who was it.....Barry? The little bullied boy who never fit in. Who didn't work well with others. What do you see in him?" Leonard asked me.
"Everything you don't," I said before I sped over to Leonard and his sidekick and pushed them off the edge of the building. My partner went for Henry and I went back to bring the two criminals to the police. After I take their weapons ofcourse.
"Nice work," my partner said from behind. He walked up to me and placed his hands on my shoulders. We were on the Central City Bridge and the full moon mixed with the cool night air made it a perfect night. It would have been if my date hadn't gotten interrupted.
"So......I already know who you are......there's no point in hiding from you any more," he said before taking his mask off. It revealed a face I wasn't expecting to see. I was standing face to face with Barry.
Here's a short for you. I know it sucks but bare with me. More shorts are on the way. And sorry I've been inactive but things are getting busy so I will try to do my best to update regularly. See you in the next short! -Flashette1

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