Extra 1: Old Friends

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     As I said, I am going to be writing a series of shorts not based on the plot line. Just so you can get more content about the characters relationship and about them in general because content won't be available until season 3. Thank you! -Flashette1
     Barry and I finished off the workday and decided to head off to Jitters. We greeted Iris at the door and chatted for a while. Barry and I ordered our usuals and sat at our usual corner table. I was facing the door and was surprised when a familiar face walked in the door:
    "MATT!" I yelled running up to him and hugging him. It was a delayed reaction and he finally realized who I was and returned the hug.
     "How have you been? I haven't seen you in a long time."
     "Yeah, it's been great. After I moved it was hard adjusting to my dads job, but I was 10. You know how that is for children. Anyway, I finished school and graduated. I now work with Quentin Lance at "Starling City Police Department" and I am one of the Chiefs there. I also got married a few years ago to a women named Clara Oswin.      you propably see her on tv, but other than that she's not really recognized. We also have 3 children named: Marcy, Frannie, and Roxy."
     "That's good. My life's going great as well. I am engaged to that nerd Barry Allen sitting in the corner over there, I am a Forensic Scientist for CCPD, and we had an incident with our child a little while ago."
         "I'm sorry to hear that. But you work at S.T.A.R Labs right?" He asked. I was worried that he knew about our secret.
        "Yeah, I'm like a janitor. I just go around and check to make sure everything's alright. Do some cleaning every once in a while."
       "Okay. I was gonna ask if you knew anything about the Flashes, but you don't do much around there. But I was wondering if you wanted to go out......Not a date or anything, but just because we have a lot of catching up to do."
      "Agreed. I'll go tell Barry," I said before walking over to him. He was afraid of letting me go with someone he didn't know, but I trusted Matt and Barry finally gave in.
        We walked around the park for a while, catching up and talking about old childhood memories. When it was dark, and it was just us under the street lamps, I decided to call it a night.
       "It's getting late. I'm gonna go back before Barry gets worried. Do you want a ride home?" I asked him.
       "No thanks, I have one," he said before a blue telephone booth like structure appeared.
       "See you around Flashette," he said before opening the door and stepping in. I stood in awe as the structure disappeared with him inside. I had no idea he knew my secret and my only concern was how. But I trusted him and I shrugged it off. I returned to Barry and played it off like nothing I saw happened.
        This is for all you Doctor Who Fangirls/Boys out there. I had fun making this short and I am planning on making more of them. Thank you for reading and more is coming your way. Thank you for all the votes, reads, adds, and comments. I'll see you in the next chapter! -Flashette1
      Also, if you're into Dr Who and all that stuff, check out the crossover chapter of our stories by Matthew3rd. He's amazing and he's got some great content coming.

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