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     This chapter will feature both of the crossover episodes from The Flash and Arrow. ("Legends Of Today" and "Legends Of Yesterday") Enjoy! -Flashette1
After his dad left, Barry was a little saddened by the fact that his dad left so soon. We decided to go to Starling City for a little break so we could cheer him up a little. But as superheroes, there is no break. It started out as a break, until we found some new metas there.
"Hey Felicity!" I said running into the Arrow cave with  Barry, Cisco, Kendra, and Caitlin following. Harry stayed behind to watch S.T.A.R. Labs. I don't think it was a good idea to leave him and Jay there alone.
"How have things been?"
"Other than me and Ollie dating, nothing much. The usual fighting crime and kicking butt. Anything with you?" Felicity asked.
"Actually yes. Caitlin and Ronnie got married and on the same day, Barry and I got engaged. We are also expecting."
"That's great news! Congratulations! " Felicity said hugging me again and then Barry.
"Is this what it is like to date her?" Barry asked Oliver. "At least Chloe's hugs are softer."
"More bruises from her then deathstroke," Oliver joked walking into the arrow cave.
"What's this?" Oliver said lifting up my shirt, showing the baby bump.
"This is our little baby Allen," Barry said wrapping his arm around my waist.
"Congrats guys!" Oliver said. Thea, Dig, and Laurel congratulated us when they walked into the arrowcave as well.
"So we will have two pairs of hero parents," Dig said about us and himself.
"Its like a big superhero party," Cisco joked. "Sorry.."
"So, what's the news with this new meta?" I asked.
"It seems like he's looking for something....or someone. He has a hawklike appearance. He won't leave me alone. Everywhere I go to fight, he is always there," Oliver said.
"Well let's go out and see if we can find him," I said. I suited up fast and stood in front of the crowd.
"Nice threads," Felicity commented.
"Thanks," I said before I sped off. I sped around the city, up and down buildings, while Barry did the same. He was nowhere to be found. We were about to leave when the meta showed up. He flew above us and stopped. He  kept asking us for Kendra.
"Why do you want her?" Oliver asked.
"She isn't safe with you....Vandal Savage is after us."
"Did you say Vandal Savage? We've been trying to catch him."
"You won't be able to. Only we can stop him. Good luck," he said.
"I won't be the one needing it," Oliver said shooting a grapple arrow at the figure. It got him, and wrapped around his torso. He fell to the ground and we brought him back to the arrow cave. We tied him up and tried getting answers.
"Kendra, tell them that I'm not bad. I just want to keep you safe. You need to remember who you are...do you?"
"No, I don't. What are you talking about? And who are you?"
"Its me, Carter, and you and me are meant to be together. In all 217 lives we have been together-"
"Excuse me? She's not with you. She's with me, and I don't know who you think you are but-" Cisco said.
"Alright Cisco, calm down. You know so much about Vandal Savage. The question is how."
"Kendra and I are not ordinary people. She was once a priestess and we were together. Vandal was jealous and killed us for vengeance. But a meteor shower on our palace gave him immortality. He had been chasing us through 217 lives and he kills us every time. Every time we die, he gets stronger, and that's why we can't be separated. I've been searching for Kendra so I can help her remember her past. She needs to fight Vandal and we need to stop him. I've been watching him and he has been trying to get the staff of Horace."
"So thats what we need to find."
"When it's activated, he has the power to wipe out the entire world."
"And that's why we need to find it. Where is it Felicity?"
"At the museum......or it was at the museum.....it was just stolen."
"And that's the thing about Vandal. He is always one step ahead."
"Okay, while he is running around finding a way to activate the staff, we need to find a way to stop him. Is there a way to get it from him when it is activated?"
"If there were gloves of some sort....on it!" Cisco said running around the arrowcave looking for supplies.
"We are going to need some kind of base that isn't here," I said.
"And I have just the place...." Carter said.
     Carter brought us to this farm house area. We regrouped in the house while he took Kendra for a walk around the farm. Cisco was hard at work in the garage and we talked in the living room.
"How about we let the geek squad have some time alone eh?" Oliver asked me. I accepted and we went for a walk around the farm.
"Mrs Allen, huh?"
"Yeah," I said looking shyly at my feet.
"You're going to be a great mom, Chloe. You'll be a better parent and partner then me."
"What?" I asked.
"When I was a younger, rebellious teenager, I had multiple girlfriends at once. One of them, I later found out was pregnant. I have a son Chloe!....And my mom paid the girl money to tell me that he wasn't my kid.....But he was, and I never got to see him grow up. All this time, I've missed out on the opportunity of parenthood. And to top that off, Felicity doesn't even know. My only son. What kind of person am I?"
"A good one. You risk your life every day to keep the city you love and the people you love safe. You've died, and there's a reason why you came back. It was unfair of  your mom to do that to you, but you need to tell Felicity about it. It was something that happened long ago before you were even together."
"Thank you Chloe," Oliver said walking back in the direction of the farm.
"Where have you been?" Barry asked me after speeding over to me.
"I just went for a walk with Ollie. What's the progress on the gloves?"
"Cisco finished them. When we have a location on Vandal, we'll strike. Carter and Cisco also went with Kendra to try to get her to remember her past. Carter is really positive that he can help her remember. Cisco vibed her, and she is destined to be a bird like Carter is."
"That's good. I'm going to go check on the rest of the team," Oliver said before leaving Barry and I outside.
"What do we do now," I asked Barry.        
"Well, there are things we could do, but I don't know about-"
"Do you not see this?" I asked Barry, pointing to my stomach. "This is all your doing."
"Oh, but it was a team effort."
"Don't start this with me Mr Allen," I said before kissing him. A few passionate kisses later, we were interrupted by Felicity.
"Not to ruin the moment, but we have good news about Kendra," she said before we followed her back to the house:
"She finally discovered her powers....But it was hard. Do you know how many times she had to fall off of that building?"
"What?" I asked.
"Yeah, Carter pushed her off the tallest building in Starling City. I had like 15 heart attacks before she finally got it."
"Well, at least she got it. We can use her as a secret weapon. Vandal thinks she hasn't discovered her true potential, but all it took was a little shove," Carter said.
"Yeah, 16 shoves off of the tallest building in Starling. But other than that, it was easy," Cisco Joked.
"We've located Vandal," Felicity said.
"Suit up," Oliver said before we suited up and went to the location. Vandal was there, standing before us:
"Nice to see the whole gang here," Vandal commented.
"Well we've got a surprise for you," Oliver said.
"And what is it? Your two speedster friends, or that tech guru that is inside your ear?"
"None of them," Kendra said before she stepped forward. With that step, the fight began. We all took turns at him. Barry, Oliver, and I put the gloves on and tried to take the staff from Vandal. He slammed it on the ground before we could grab it, causing a large blast to occur. I could see the event happening in slow motion, so I grabbed Barry's arm and ran. But Barry didn't catch on so I was running on my own. I turned around to see all my friends disintegrating before my eyes. I ran so fast, faster than before, that I was afraid I was going to crash. But I stopped suddenly when I found myself in front of the farm. I stood mesmerized at what I had just witnessed. All my friends dying in front of me.....But if the blast had the capability to kill the city, how am I still alive? With that question, I ran into the house to the sound of my friends voices.
"Barry, Caitlin, Thea, Laurel, Felicity, Dig, Ollie, you're all here! But where's Kendra, Cisco, and Carter?"
"There out of the farm. They'll be back soon."
"Barry can I talk to you outside?" I asked him.
"Yeah, sure," he said taking my hand and walking outside with me. I remember in the previous timeline, I was walking with Oliver instead. I took this time to tell him about the whole blast, how every one died, and how this was different from the other timeline. Luckily, when I told him, it didn't seem to rupture the timeline.
"So if you hadn't time travelled, we wouldn't be here right now? What happened in the previous timeline?"
"Well, Oliver and I go on a walk, while you stay inside and talk with every one while Kendra, Carter, and Cisco are out. I talk with Oliver, until he leaves and you come out instead. We made out a little until Felicity interrupted us and we were off fighting Vandal."
"Well since that never happened in this timeline......" Barry said before kissing me passionately. I returned the kiss and a few kisses later, I pointed to the door of the farmhouse. Felicity poked her head out at the same time and interrupted:
"Not to ruin the moment, but we have good news about Kendra." A few more kisses later, Barry and I got inside and we heard the news about Kendra. But I heard it for the second time:
"She finally discovered her powers, and it was hard. Do you know how many times she had to fall off of that building?"As if I hadn't heard this before, I spoke:
"Yeah, Carter pushed her off the tallest building in Starling City. I had like 15 heart attacks before she finally got it."
"Well at least she has discovered them. She can be our  secret weapon," I said. After blocking out the other dialogue exchanged by Carter and Cisco, I tuned into Felicity when she spoke:
"We've located Vandal," Felicity said.
"Suit up," I said before Oliver. "I took the words right out of your mouth," I said to Oliver before we suited up and headed over to the location.
"How nice of you to come. Ready for another beating?" Vandal asked.
"You're the one who's going down Vandal," I said before Kendra charged at him. It was totally unexpected to him and he was shocked. Kendra distracted him, while I sped over and used the gloves to grab the staff. I returned the staff to Oliver and Barry, and they both grabbed onto it with me.
"Guys, back up!" I yelled to the rest of the team. They all moved just in time. The staff fired, and a blast went straight to Vandal. It hit him and muffled his scream. He turned into a pile of ashes, and when he was defeated we threw the staff down. The team got into a big group hug and we all celebrated the big victory.
"At least it turned out okay for all of us," I said to Barry when we broke the hug. Barry kissed me and we continued back to the farm house.
"Thank you for helping us stop him guys," said Carter.
"We couldn't have done it without the help of our team," Barry said pointing to everyone.
"We have to get back to S.T.A.R. Labs. Thank you for having us here," I said.
"No problem. And I hope that we get an invitation to a wedding or baby shower or something," Felicity said.
"Oh you will," I said before I wrapped my arms around Barry's torso.
"Barry and I have to go. We have some.......unfinished business. Cisco, I will call you, and please don't show up at our house," I said before Barry and I sped home.
Thank you for the Reads, Votes, Comments, and Adds. I hope you are enjoying this book and enjoyed my others. I also hope that all these chapters that I updated today make up for not updating on time. I wrote this long chapter for you guys. It's actually almost 4X the word count it usually is. Thank you and I will talk to you soon!
*Thank you for 300+ reads on this book, and almost 3K on the other book*

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