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The next morning, it was just like old times. The whole gang was here, and things were back to normal.
Caitlin agreed to continue coming back, and I was overjoyed. Today was also the ceremony for us and we couldn't be happier.
"Hey Flashes, he's about to call you guys on. You might want to get ready," Cisco said.
"It takes 2 seconds to get there," I said. We watched as the mayor walked over to the podium and spoke:
"Today is a very special day. Today, we honor two heroes that continue to assist us every day. They aren't paid, and they do it out of kindness. They are always here when we need them, and we couldn't thank them enough. As mayor, I'd like to declare today: "National Flashes Day", and I would like to present them the key to the city," he said holding up a box. We waited for a few seconds to leave, and the citizens were starting to get worried.
       We sped out the door after getting suited up at the right time. We sped on stage and the crowd instantly started applauding and cheering. We blurred our voices and put out our hands for him to shake.
"Thank you Flashes for everything. And with that, I'd like to give you the key to the city," he said handing us the box. We both grabbed it and held it up to the audience. They applauded and cheered before the mayor leaned into the microphone:
"So we have to ask....are you two together?" The mayor asked. Barry looked at me, and I spoke with my blurred voice:
"That's a question for next time mayor." But the ceremony was interrupted by a car being thrown toward the stage. I sped the mayor to safety while Barry worked on keeping every one away from the action.
We were successful at getting everyone away, and we were ready to fight the meta. He was tall and full of muscle, and was definitely not a human.
He was hard to fight, and Barry almost got killed when the meta grabbed him and threw him around. I got beat up too, but not as much as Barry. I was hunched over Barry trying to help him. The meta came over and grabbed me. He picked me up by the neck and said to me:
"Zoom is coming...He wants you dead. He will be very happy with me," He started to walk away with me until a gunshot was heard, and I was suddenly dropped to the ground. I sped back over to Barry and whipped my head around to see Joe standing with a gun in the air. The meta shook it off and charged at him, but I grabbed Joe along with Barry before they could be hurt and made my way back to S.T.A.R. Labs.
"He could've killed you," Caitlin said.
"Like every other meta we've encountered. I'm more worried about Barry."
"Like you are always, he will be fine once he recovers. He should be healed by tomorrow, considering the rate you heal. Just speed him home and keep an eye on him."
"Okay. Joe, do you need anything?"
"No, i'll be good, thanks."
"Okay, keep an eye on that frisky partner you have," I told Joe before grabbing Barry slowly and speeding him home.
I came home, brought Barry upstairs, changed him into his pajamas, tucked him in, turned on the tv, and made him soup. When I brought it upstairs, he was awake, but he was very quiet and calm.
"Hey Chloe," he said grabbing my hand after I put the soup down.
"Hi, how are you feeling?"
"Weak. Sorry that you have to babysit me."
"It's no problem. Anything for my fiancé. Besides, you did the same for me when I was sick."
"I guess you're right," he said before patting the bed. I told him to wait and sped into the shower, changed, and then joined him under the covers.
      I snuggled up in his Barry smelling shirt, and he wrapped his arms around me. He fell asleep first, and I turned off the tv before I fell asleep to the warmth and comfort of our bodies together.

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