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    After the coffee shop, Cisco put Kendras number in his phone.
     We went back to S.T.A.R Labs and cooked up a plan to bring Zoom here. There are 52 breaches in Central City that lead to various places on earth 2. Cisco helped find them, so we could see where exactly they would be located. And after talking with Doctor light, we came up with a brilliant plan to catch him.
     "Linda, all you have to do is put on her outfit, and pretend to be her. I made gloves so you can look like her, and so it can look real. We will get Zoom to come through the breach and Harry will strike with shooting him with his tranquilizer. Got it?"
     "I think so. So when am I going to meet.......them?"
      "Who? Us?" Barry and I asked speeding in.
"We know. Linda, we're going to need you're help."
"I know. And I'm ready."
"Good girl," I said before we headed down to help her train.
"Now Linda, you are going to shoot only the villains alright. All the civilians need to stay unharmed. Okay?"
"All you have to do is thrust your wrist foreword."
"Got it," Linda said before the targets appeared. She dodged all the civilians one by one perfectly.
"And that's a wrap," Cisco said from his monitoring position.
"Great job," I said offering Linda a high five. She accepted, but before her hand met mine, it shot a blast over to Cisco, who tumbled to avoid it. Linda gritted her teeth and a look of guilt was on her face.
"Sorry," she said. "My bad."
After the training, we decided to put our plan into action, and we went to the location of the breach. We stood outside and began our fake dialogue.
"Zoom wants you dead Flashes," Linda said before she hurled blasts at us. We dodged a few, and after a couple dodges, Barry got hit. It took him some time to realize, but he finally got it.
"Ahh," he said, falling to the ground as if it just happened.
"Now it's just me and the pretty one," she said before her hand was directed at me. I dodged, but I got hit by one, and fell to the ground a lot faster then Barry. She walked over to both of us and ripped our emblems off our chests. She threw them into the breach and spoke words of victory.
A few minutes later, he replied. And not by words, but by action. Zoom himself came through the breach.
By then, Linda was already safe and contained at S.T.A.R Labs so we were ready to fight.
     "I thought you were dead," he said.
     "Well then you must be on something," Barry said before he ran. We ran in front of S.T.A.R Labs and that's where the brawl started.
Punch after punch, kick by kick, nothing was working.
     "I have something," I said before I sped around him. I sped around for a few seconds and stopped suddenly, thrusting my arms foreword. Lightning came out of them, and successfully penetrated Zoom. But they didn't slow him down. It seemed to give him more energy. I decided to go with my other plan and run. We ran around and around, and found ourselves running up buildings. We were running so fast that the team couldn't even catch up.
After fighting on rooftops, we returned to the ground. I managed to slip away from Zoom's grasp, but when I looked over, Barry wasn't there. I saw that Zoom had Barry pinned down, and was beating him up harder then before. Barry was too weak to fight it. I sped inside quickly and got the tranquilizer dart. I was about to stab Zoom with it, when he turned around and instead stabbed me. I fell to the ground and tried to get it out of my system, but I couldn't. Zoom grabbed Barry and I by our necks, and brought us to different places in the town:
    "Do you know what you're looking at? Your two heroes that you favor. They weren't fast enough to stop me. They aren't heroes. There just two wannabe's. Why have hope in them to save you, when they can't even save themselves?," Zoom asked one of the crowds. After more of those similar speeches, Zoom brought us to S.T.A.R Labs. When he made it inside, he threw me against the wall, causing lights to flicker, and numerous things to break. Barry had it worst of all. Zoom picked Barry up by the neck, saying things to him. I could tell he was dying from the grip because it was very strong, and Barry was having a hard time catching his breath.
     "You will never be a hero," Zoom said before he stabbed Barry with his claw.
    "NO!" I yelled as blood poured out of Barry's abdomen, his mouth, and body. Harry shot Zoom with a trenquilizer. Zoom stopped, but it didn't slow him down.
      "I'll be back for you soon princess," he said speeding away.
      "Barry," I said running to him. I was in pain, but mostly because I was watching my Fiancé die infront of me.
     "Chloe, I'll do the best I can. Okay?" Caitlin asked.
   "No, please, I don't want to leave him. Please Barry be okay. C'mon Barry, C'MON," I said with tears pouring out of my face. I couldn't lose him now. Not now, I thought. Caitlin pulled me up from Barry's side and sat me in a chair. She gave me an ultrasound after Barry was situated, even though I told her to wait until Barry could be here. After a while of anticipation, she told me that the baby was okay, but Barry was still left in a coma like state. Days had passed, and I sat by Barry's side every one of them, waiting for the day that he would wake up. Finally, that day came:
    "Chloe?," Barry asked groggily.
     "Barry!" I said with tears coming. "I thought I was gonna lose you, again. I don't know what I would have done."
     "I would never leave you," he said trying his hardest to smile.
     "I'm glad you're okay," I said. He invited me to lay in his bed with him, and I did. I laid right next to him, wrapped up in his arms. He even smiled after noticing the baby bump that was forming. He stroked my hair and we layed like that for a while.
    "Barry, you've been out for a few days. Your wounds are pretty much healed. Do you want to try walking?" Caitlin asked.
     "I can try," Barry said as I got up. He went to go swing his legs over the edge and I could see he was trying to, but it wasn't working.
      "Uhh Guys, I can't feel my legs."
      "What do you mean?"
     "My legs, I can't move them."
Sorry for not updating, but here it is. More will becoming out today and sorry for not updating yesterday. Thank you for the reads, votes, comments, and adds, and I will talk to you soon!

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