Extra 33: Meeting Bands

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I had always had this dream. And on every holiday and every birthday my wish had always been the same. My dream had always been to meet my celebrity husbands. Today, that dream is coming partially true. Today, I was going to see and meet all my favorite bands. After waking Barry up and speeding around trying to get stuff done, I found myself in a dilemma.
"What band tee do I wear? Panic? Fall Out Boy? All Time Low? 21 Pilots?" At a standstill, I stood looking at my closet and didn't know what to wear. After Barry failed to give his opinion, I decided to go with Fall Out Boy. (sorry if you're not a big FOB fan, but I LOVE them.)
During the ride there I basically gave Barry an entire lesson on each member of my favorite bands. By the time I was done fangirling, we were there and I was panicking. Not only was I nervous, but I was excited and didn't know know what to do with myself.
"LOOK AT ALL THE MERCH!" I yelled, dragging Barry through the entrance and to every booth that was a available.
Hundreds of dollars of merch later, it was time for the meet and greet. I anxiously waited in line and I couldn't contain my excitement. Up first was Twenty One Pilots. I walked up to them nervouslly. I waved and they waved back.
"H-hi," I stuttered. After a few minutes of chatting, I was pushed away to the next band. After meeting All Time Low, and Panic At The Disco, it was finally time for Fall Out Boy. I couldn't even look up. I was so nervous and excited that I was lost. Barry was standing across taking pictures and watching me, but he could see that I was having a hard time calming down. Too nervous, I passed out in front of my all time ;) favorite band.
I woke up on a couch. I thought I was dreaming because I found myself surrounded by Fall Out Boy and Barry.
"How are you feeling?" Someone asked from next to me. I rubbed my eyes to see that someone's hand was in mine and it wasn't Barry's. I followed the hand with my eyes all the way up to the tattooed arms, to see a smiling Pete Wentz looking down at me. I felt like I was going to faint again before Pete Got up. He returned with a water bottle and handed it to me.
"Thank you," I said before I took a drink.
"All those fangirls and this hasn't happened before," (I'm sure it has) I chuckled and sat up.
"We never really got to talk to you. We still have to finish the meet and greet, but we wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I am, thank you."
"I also wanted to give you these," Pete said handing us backstage passes.
"Thank you!"
"The concert starts in a little while but you can hang out here if you want," Patrick suggested.
"Okay," I said smiling. Barry joined me back on the couch and we fell asleep. We were awoken by the sound of guitar and bass. Patrick and Pete's blurry figures came into view and I immediately awoke.
"Concert starts in 20,"
"O...okay," I said rushing to my feet. Barry and I got ready speedily ;) and went backstage. We walked around, seeing my favorite groups once more.
"I think Brendan just smiled at me!" I squealed. We walked around for a while longer until it was time to go back to our seats. I jumped, danced, and sang along to all my groups performances. During intermission, I went backstage where I met Fall Out Boy once again. They looked upset and when Patrick came back, I understood why.
"Demi couldn't make it. Now we don't have our opening number. That's what every one came here for." After think it for a second, I acted quickly:
"Me....let me do it. Barry and I have had multiple karaoke experiences and I could sing her part. And I could play," I said hinting to his guitar.
"Let's do it," he said before I disappeared off with them. After a quick wardrobe change, I was ready to go. I listened as the first verse was sang. I waited for my cue and came on when I needed. At first the crows was confused but they enjoyed it. I danced and sang to the song and even played the guitar a little. During my solo, I went up to the front of the stage and got the crowd moving as I jammed out and enjoyed myself. At the end of the song, I squished myself in between Patrick and Pete and wrapped my arms around their shoulders. I smiled widely as cameras flashed I my face and I got pulled offstage. I was surprised considering that no one there even knew me. But I was rescued when security came in. We regrouped later in their dressing room and after saying goodbye, they left:
"We should do it again sometime," Pete said winking. Patrick slapped his chest and they continued to walk out.
"Thank you," I said to Barry before kissing him. "If it weren't fo you, this wouldn't have happened. I'm happy that we got a day off, especially with Zoom. Since Ezra's been gone, I just needed to find something to get me to stop thinking about it and I have."
"I'm glad. I thought you were going to be a fangirl tonight, not a rock star." I smiled and proceeded to walk out of the dressing room. I was shocked at what I saw. In front of me were: Ross Lynch, Logan Lerman, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, and Chris Evans as Captain America.
I hope you enjoyed. See you in the next short!

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