Extra 5: The Brave And The Bold

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This short will be from the episode: "The Brave and The Bold." It is also a little different from the episode. This also doesn't go with the plot line of the book. This event was in the series but not in the book, so here it is:
Caitlyn and Cisco decided to take an unannounced trip to Starling to see our friends in the "Arrow Cave" as Cisco calls it. Dr Wells wasn't happy with them and I was shocked when I found out because I wasn't invited. But Barry and I came in at the right time. Oliver, Arsenal, Diggle, and Lyla were in a showdown with "Captain Boomerang" at Argus and Barry and I sped in to save them from the boomerangs that were heading towards them. But skipping over all the phone encrypting and trickery, Felicty, Lyla, Caitlyn and I were in the Arrow Cave trying to figure out Harkness' location when the dot came up above us. But it turned out, he was infront of us. He hurled a boomerang at Lyla and I sped over to her and pushed her out of the way. Fast enough to save her, but not myself. The boomerang had landed directly in my right shoulder and my suit was now stained with red. Harkness disappeared and the girls all rushed to me. I could barely hear what they were saying and I could just barely make out their figures. I could only make out that they were talking medical terms and eventually, they lifted me onto the table, injecting me with medicine and serums. The pain still throbbing and my vision still blurry, I could make out the outline of Barry's face towering over me with a frown. I could feel him wrap his arms around me and speed me off somewhere.
I woke up in a hospital bed with a Iv and the night lights shining brightly through the window. I looked around and no one was in sight. I still had my suit on and I could hear the chatter of the team through the earpiece.
B-That was just a diversion. He has a bigger plan.
O-And by bigger Plan Barry, he means 5. He's placed 5 bombs all over the city. How are we going to stop them? If we cut one the wrong way, all of them blow up and the whole city goes down.
I sat and thought about it for a minute. In that time, a plan came to mind and I sprang into action. I ripped the Iv out of my arm and sped out despite the pain.
I sped into the Arrow Cave, grabbed Felicity, and sped her to one of the bombs. Than I sped Oliver to another and Barry to another. Than I grabbed Roy from Verdant and sped him to the 4th. Lastly, I grabbed Cisco and sped him to the very last one. Than I sped to everyone once more and gave them a tool to cut the wire with.
"Chloe, what are you doing?" Barry asked me.
"My Job," I replied before talking into the earpiece.
"On my count, everyone at those bombs needs to cut the red wire at the same time. That will disarm all the bombs and we will be safe. Got it?"
"Yeah," they all replied.
I closed my eyes and hoped that it worked. I smiled when I opened my eyes and realized that everyone was safe. Barry helped me speed everyone back and we regrouped in the Arrow Cave.
"Good thinking Chloe. But what are you doing? Your shoulder-"
"Is fine. Sure I got shot with a boomerang and almost bled out, but I'm fine now. My job is to protect and that's what I did. I had to think fast and I came up with a pretty good idea."
"Indeed you did. But you're going to bed missy...........not what I meant," Barry blushed before wrapping an arm around my waist.
"Great thinking Chloe!" Oliver said before walking over to us with Arsenal following. Oliver shook my hand, but the moment was interrupted by the clicking of an IPhone camera.
"What? You can't have a group of superheroes standing infront of you and not snap a pic. My fanboy level is over the top right now. I may or may not be making this my new wallpaper," Cisco said.
"I rolled my eyes at Cisco and proceeded to talk with the team. I was talking with Felicity when I was interrupted by a tap on my shoulder.
"Flashes, we have a gift for you," Oliver said bringing us over to his suit case. He ripped a sheet off of one case to reveal two empty mannequins.
"For us?" I asked. Oliver nodded.
"For next time."
"There's going to be a next time?" Cisco asked squeamishly from behind. We all turned around and gave him a look. We thanked Oliver and proceeded to say our goodbyes.
"One more thing. We never decided who would win. Speed or Skill?" Oliver said. The team all shouted their predictions before Barry and I shared a look.
"It's on," Barry and I challenged Oliver as we sped him and ourselves to an abandoned warehouse.
"You guys learned something today...or I hoped you did."
"And I hope that you learned that you can inspire people as Oliver Queen despite everything you've been through. Not as the arrow because that guys a douche," I said. Oliver chuckled before Barry and I ran away from Oliver. I could feel the adrenaline rush through my veins as Oliver strung his bow and shot an arrow in our direction.
Thank you for 16K reads and almost 6K reads on this book. I have decided that I am going to do a short for every K milestone. Thank you for all the reads, votes, adds, comments, and suggestions. I hope you enjoyed and more shorts are in store for the future! -Flashette1⚡️
*This short wasn't exactly short because it was 1021 words, but I am planning on keeping them short unless it is another event*

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