Extra 68: Safe And Sound

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A blinding white light took over my sight. My vision cleared to reveal what looked to be an all white room. My parents stood on the other side. I ran to them:
"Mom! Dad! What are you doing here? Where am I? What happened?"
"You're in heaven honey. And you got stabbed by your captor-"
"I missed you so much!" I said throwing my hands around their necks and hugging them.
"We missed you too. But it's not your time just yet. You have a future ahead of you and we can't let that go. You're capable of doing great things and don't stop being you. You have a great man at your side a great life going. And we've been watching over you. We've seen the things you've been thinking and we don't want you with us yet. We want to see you grow and live your life. We love you." That was their last words before they faded away. The second time I had lost them and seen them go.
I awoke to the sound of sirens. I tried to sit up but I was pushed back down. I could make out a few features and saw I was in an ambulance.
"B....b...arr....arry...." I slurred.
"He's in the ambulance in front of us. He's okay," the nurse said before I lost consciousness again.
I woke up and I could hear steady sounds of a monitor. My vision cleared and I could see the whole room. The machines, the IV, the tv, chair, and mini table. I even noticed Barry sitting next to me. He was a little bruised and cut but he was silent as he slept.
He stirred and yawned before opening up his eyes.
"Chloe, babe, you're awake. How are you feeling?"
"Good. Must be all the pain killers and medicines they have me on. What happened?"
"You almost died. You lost a lot of blood and you had to be taken into surgery immediately when you arrived."
"How did we? You were trapped....and I was-"
"You didn't think our team would leave us there, would they? We had a few of our friends help out."
"Tell everyone in Starling I said thank you."
"I will. And I'm glad you're okay. I don't know what I would've done if I lost you."
"I wouldn't leave you ever. I love you."
"I love you too," Barry said before he pecked my lips and joined me on my bed. He smuggled with me in his arms.
I looked up to the sky and mouthed a "thank you" to my parents. After that experience I knew they were smiling down on me. They gave me a second chance and I wanted to keep my promise to myself and them that I would listen to what they said. I also agreed to keep my "heaven, ghost parents, near death experience" a secret. I then snuggled deeper into Barry's embrace and closed my eyes.
Safe and sound
How did you like this mini series? It was fun/cool to write and more shorts are coming. If you have any requests let me know and I hope you enjoyed. See you in the next short! -Flashette1

(Current Song Playing- "The Calendar" by "Panic! At The Disco")
(Confession- I've been watching a lot of Shane Dawson lately. Anyone else watch him?

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