Extra 81: The Nerd and The Popular

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       It was that time again: Homecoming. People were frantically running around trying to find what they were going to wear and who they would go with. I didn't know either of those things.
        But I was considered a "popular" girl. I knew everyone and I was captain of my sports team. I got good grades and I was a good girl. I had many options for dates, but I didn't like any of them. Some of the hottest, most popular people asked me and I still said no. They just weren't the right fit.
        "Look, there he is again!" My friend said pointing to the lonely boy at the lunch table across from ours. He had nobody sitting with him and he had his nose buried in his physics book.     
      "He's so geeky. His smartness is radiating off of him. His nerdiness  is killing me from here......So, do you know who you're going to Homecoming with?" She asked.
       "Actually, no. I've got a lot of different proposals and I'm just waiting for the right guy. I glanced over at Barry again. I had feelings for him, but I didn't want my friends to know. My high school reputation would be destroyed.
       "Hey Chloe," the hottest guy in school asked coming up up to my table. He was the captain of the football team and he was every girls dream. "Would you like to go to homecoming with me?" He asked. I pondered it. I looked around the table and they all nodded. I looked over at Barry one last time and made my decision.
      "I'm sorry, but I already have a date," I said getting up and walking over to Barry's table.
        Thank you for 43K! I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you soon! -Flashette1

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