Extra 140: Elf

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Here is another Christmas short for you! Sorry for the delay, but there were scheduling conflicts. Here are the shorts! Enjoy, and I'll talk to you soon! -Flashette1
      "Daddy and I have a gift for you," we called, our children bolting from their rooms and into the living room.
     "What is it? What is it? What is it?" The twins asked excitedly in unison.
      "We can't tell you what it is, you have to open it," Barry said, nudging the gift closer to the children as they knelt across from us on the floor. On the count of three, the twins opened the box to see a little red elf looking back at them.
     "WOAH!" They exclaimed, not being able to take their eyes off the box.
     "Is this a real one?" Destiny asked, looking down at the box excitedly. I nodded.
      "Santa sent this to our house, and he told us in a letter that he wanted us to give it to you. He said it was super special." The twins couldn't take their eyes off the little elf.
     "What is his name?" Destiny asked, looking up at us.
      "That's for you two to decide. You name him, and he comes back every year on the same day. He stays with us until Christmas Eve, and then he goes back to the North Pole. But while he's here, you have to be on your best behavior. The elf goes back to Santa every night to tell him what the kids did that day."
     "And what's this for?" Sampson asked, pointing to the book.
     "Do you want me to read it to you?" I asked. Sampson nodded, and Destiny, Barry, and Sampson joined me on the couch. Everyone listened attentively as I read the story aloud, and Sampson and Destiny could barely keep themselves composed. They were so filled with excitement. When the book was finished, the kids continued to pick names and we finally settled on one: "Kringle."
     Every morning, the kids would scurry out of their beds to find the elf, and the twins made it a competition to find it first. When Sampson found it first, Destiny got upset. But when Destiny found the elf first, Sampson got upset. They also were on their best behavior every day. When they were about to fight about something as little as a toy, they'd remember that the elf was there and forget like nothing ever happened.
     The elf brought joy to our home every day. He'd be in a new place every morning with a new object. One day he brought the kids donuts, and another day he'd deliver letters from Santa.
    The saddest part of this whole thing was seeing the kids when the elf had to leave. It was December 24th and the kids had eaten the last of their advent calendars. They also realized that Kringle would be leaving later that day.
Before bed, the kids gave the elf their Christmas wishes and goodbyes. A tear rolled down Destiny's cheek before waving Kringle goodbye. After the kids said their goodbyes, they went off to bed.
     But the next morning, they didn't have to worry. Santa had come and left loads of presents under the tree for the kids. Kringle even left one too.
     DAY 6 OF CHARRY CHRISTMAS! I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you in the next short! Updates are coming soon!
-Flashette1 ⚡️❤️

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