Extra 19: A familliar Face Part 2

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Barry and I proceeded to work on our cases until we got a knock at the door. I opened it and saw Ezra standing in the hallway.
"C'mon in!" I told him before motioning to come in. He walked in and stood centered to Barry and I.
"How did your interview go?" I asked him.
"Great! I got the job!" He said holding up a file.
"That's great news!" I said unexpectedly hugging him.
"I'm sorry," I said letting go and backing away.
"It's okay. That's actually the first time that's happened to me before." My heart sank hearing that.
"Good luck with your job and finding your parents!" I yelled to Ezra who was already out the door.

You'd think that the hug Chloe gave me would make me feel weird, but it made me feel......at home. It's like I knew them, even though I just met them. I walked out of CCPD and to my own place. I crashed onto the couch when I got home and sat in thought for a while until a sound came from my room.
I walked in and one of my pieces of equipment was going off:
"DNA match......DNA match..." It kept repeating. I looked at the match that it found and I couldn't believe it. There were two matches of my DNA in all of Central City and I couldn't believe who it was: Chloe and Barry.

Barry and I finished out our cases for the day and went home afterwards. Meta activity was slow and we had some time to ourselves.
We had chose to watch tv and chill on the couch. (Not Netflix And Chill) In the middle of the show we were watching, I spoke:
"Barry, do you think that Ezra from CCPD could be our son? I know it sounds crazy but-"
"He died. We put his body in the ground, he's gone."
"But it doesn't seem that way. His name is Ezra James, he has no parents, he's a scientist, and I'm comfortable around him. I find that hard to believe that it is a coincidence. Yesterday he was a complete stranger, but the feeling I get around him is the feeling different from a stranger. What if there was a mistake? What if our baby didn't die and the one that did die wasn't ours?"
"That's imposs-"
"You're telling me...The Flash, that that's impossible? Barry, you know that anything is possible, even the impossible." There was a knock at the door and I opened up to find Ezra standing in the cold. When he saw my face, his lit up and he pulled me in for a hug.
"Mom," he whispered, melting into the hug. He began to cry. "I found you. Finally."
"I did a DNA test and mine matches both of yours." A thought came to mind, but it was blocked by the feelings of happiness and relief that my baby is alive. I knew it was my boy so I melted into the hug and Barry joined the hug.
"Our baby boy," he said.
"There's so much to say and so much to do. We've missed so much of you're life but we promise we'll be here for you," I said finally feeling complete.
Another short for you. There is a part 3 in the making and possibly a part 4. I know how much the Ezra short was enjoyed, so I am making and "mini mini series" with him. I hope you enjoyed and I'll see you in part 3 (possibly part 4) -Flashette1

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