Extra 57: Pool Party pt 2

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Thank you for 35K and 15K! Enjoy!
      Around 5, people started coming. The first flood of people was our immediate family and friends: Caitlin, Cisco, Wally, Iris, and Joe. The next flood was all of my former performers: Pete Wentz, Patrick Stump, Brendon Urie, Tyler Joseph, and Josh Dun. After them, all of our friends from Quantico: Jareau, Rossi, Hotch, Morgan, Garcia, Reid, and Prentiss. Lastly, Markiplier and Jacksepticeye who had been in town for a convention.
      When everyone arrived, they all crowded around the living room. It was a little cramped but that was until we went outside. After chatting and greeting everyone, I saw Reid standing by the edge of the pool. That gave me the perfect idea.
     "Reid, do you have anything in your pockets?" I asked him.
      "Wouldn't want it to get wet," I said before I pushed him in the pool. He screamed, but it was muffled by the sound of him hitting the water.
      "Not cool," he said with a smile after he resurfaced.
      "It's hard to be serious when you're smiling like that," I said before walking over to Barry. He wrapped his hand around my waist and greeted me with a kiss. At first I thought this was a romantic gesture but I was wrong. He picked me up and slung me over his shoulder. I began fighting and kicking but it wasn't working. He threw me off his shoulder and into the pool.
      "Aww Barry, my phone!"
      "I'm sorry, i'll buy you a new one. I didn't-"
      "Kidding!" I said before getting out of the pool and changing. I came out in a Twenty One Pilots T-shirt, shorts, and converse.
      "Nice threads," Tyler commented.
      "Thanks!" I said before chatting with the S.T.A.R. Labs team. After them, I made my rounds with the others.
At one point we were all in the pool, jamming out to the radio. The song "Ride" by Twenty One Pilots came on and we were all rocking out.
     "Sing it to me Tyler Joseph!" I exclaimed before he started singing. (I actually do this.)
We were all singing and yelling. I'm surprised we didn't get a noise complaint.
      We had a chicken fight contest and I ended up winning every round. We also played Marco Polo and had many other contests. We ended it off with hotdogs and hamburgers and then everyone started leaving.
Everyone had a good time and I even noticed Reid having fun. That was surprising considering the recent events.
After everyone had left, it was just Barry and I sitting outside.
      "How about we have a party of our own?" Barry asked me.
      "What are you implying?" I asked. Barry leaned over and kissed me. I kissed back and soon after Barry interrupted.
      "How about we heat things up while cooling off?" he suggested. He took my hand and lead me to the edge of the pool. Barry pushed me in and before I got far I grabbed his hand and pulled him with me.
      We came up from the water and it's like we were magnetic. We were instantly attracted to each other and his lips never left mine. He pinned me up against the edge of the pool and we never parted.
     And that's how our day ended. From a pool party with friends, to a party of our own under the moon.
Thank for for 15K and 35K! Thank you for all the reads, votes, adds, and comments. Q&A coming out soon and I'm thinking of writing another book. It's going to be something that has to do with "Flashette" and the series. Maybe a prequel. Any suggestions?
(Current song playing- "Girls/Girls/Boys" by Panic! At The Disco)

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