Extra 133: Young Love

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Here is a short! It's a monologue, and I hope you enjoy! It will feature Chloe and Barry, but it isn't related to the plotline of the book. Thank you for reading!
      Love when you're young can be a pretty wild ride. One second, you want to marry someone in your preschool class, and some days, you don't want anything to do with boys.
     But when I was in young, there was one person I had my eye on: Barry Allen. We were neighbors for the longest time, and I've known him pretty much my whole life. The only problem: he was 3 years older than me at the time. I'd see him around the neighborhood and in school a lot, and those feelings I had for him were never considered: "puppy love." I knew that I actually loved him before I even knew what that word meant.
     Ofcourse, having your first love being older than you was difficult. The bigger kids would make fun of Barry for hanging out with me because I was so young, but Barry didn't care. We'd just laugh and play like the age difference wasn't existent at all. When we'd play house, Barry would be the father. And I, the mother. We didn't care at that point because we were such good friends. He'd chase me around the yard and say silly things because that's just what Barry did, and that's what I loved about him.
Barry was a nerd. He'd play Legos every day, and we'd even trade off sometimes. He'd read comic books, and we'd share the latest editions. Those were activities I enjoyed doing with Barry, and those are the things I missed, still to this day as an adult.
    But as we got older and grew up, we talked less and less. He hung out with a different crowd, and being in two different schools didn't help. That made it the most difficult for me, considering that first loves are the hardest to let go of. Yes, I went to dances and had crushes, but none matched the feelings I had for Barry.
     And when I got to High School, he was a senior. Because of that time we had apart, we didn't talk to each other as much. If said "hi" to him in the hallway, that would be all I would say. And the most we'd talk about was how we were doing that day.
     Eventually, the day came when he joined another group's table at lunch. The only thing unusual about it was that it wasn't his normal, nerdy group. He walked over to the section of the cafeteria where I was sitting. Here, I was thinking he was going to sit with me, but instead, he sat at the table with his "girlfriend." (I later found out.) And just hearing that crushed my heart. I always thought there'd be some chance, considering the amount of flirting we used to do. And I'd always wonder if there'd even be a chance, possibly if we're older.
     I'd always contemplate the good and the bad if we ever dated, the bad always outweighing the good. Yes, I loved Barry, but he was older than me, as well as going to college shortly after our time.
     I knew there was no actual possibility of us being together, but I had always hoped something would happen that would change his mind. I always held onto that small shrivel of hope that my lovesick brain contained.
     We barely talk now. He gave me his phone number a while ago, and I always think about calling, but I never do. I kept his memory in the back of my mind.
     Barry was everything I've ever wanted in a man: strong, caring, loving, outgoing, and good looking. It sucks that he slipped away, but I always think of him. And when I see him, it's a continuous cycle. When he comes in the room, my heart sets on fire. I then think of him constantly, my mind on some kind of loop that I can't stop. But that's love. That's what first loves do to you. And to make it even worse, he was my best friend's brother. (Adopted) I'd see him all the time when he'd come pick Iris up from school. We'd just talk briefly or wave then. But I'd love to talk to him more in depth sometime
      And now, us being adults, we've travelled our own paths. I miss those times when we could run around in the yard and play without thinking about others opinions. I miss being able to go out with him, and not be labeled as a couple, though we were just friends. I miss those times when he was my best friend...
    There have been times when I've caught him staring, though. My family was having one of their get together's, and he was sending me glances across the kitchen. I will admit, I was blushing and glancing too. But I just wish that this game would stop and we just say what we need to say about this situation.
     To this day, Barry and I don't speak. I've been holding onto something for too long that I need to let go of. My heart tells me I love him, but my mind says otherwise. Seeing him with other girls saddens me, but it only makes me want to be them. I always thought I had a chance, but I guess I didn't. I just need to let go...I have to learn to let go...
SHORT FOR YOU! I hope you enjoyed! This was another monologuey type short, and a totally relateable one if I have to say so, myself. We've all been here people, whether it's been a celebrity, or even someone from school. Mine just turned out to be my childhood sweetheart...Any maybe a few of my celebrity husbands, too.
     Teaser coming out soon! More rant/questions book stuff will be out soon as well!
    What did you think? Are there any types of shorts you'd like to see more of? (Monologue, lyrics, romance, funny?) Let me know if you have questions/ideas/idea requests. I love to hear your feedback!
    Thank you for reading, adding, voting, and commenting. Thank you for being such amazing members of the Flashette community. Love to you all, and I'll talk to you soon! -Flashette1 ⚡️❤️⚡️❤️⚡️❤️⚡️❤️⚡️❤️⚡️❤️

*Sorry for the inactivity, I was having technical difficulties and couldn't post for a while. I hope a few more shorts will make it up to you guys!*

**Let me know if you have any requests or ideas, I love to hear what you have to say!**
***Thank you for everything you've done for this series! All my love to you guys!❤️❤️***

****After every update, I will include some type of question. I hope you stick around to read them, and I will be commenting back!****
------------------- 8/15/17
Question: What is your favorite short that has been written so far?

A: Mine has to be: "Sweet Creature." I love that one, and I think it conveys a very important message. It shows that love prevails, even in the toughest and darkest times.

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