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(The Baby is born in this chapter, so if you aren't into that sorta thing, you can skip it.)
        Barry brought me to the hospital and not S.T.A.R Labs because it would've been to suspicious if I was taken there. We checked in, and I was taken to my room while Barry was at my side. He was being so nice and comforting, but all I was doing was being nothing but mean. The pain became unbearable at one point and that was after a few hours of waiting. All of our family and friends were outside in the waiting area. Barry would occasionally go out and give them updates every once in a while.
     The doctors came in and that was when I knew it was time. They asked me questions and they got all the equipment ready. They put a blanket over my bottom half and I got into position. The doctor explained the process to me before we started, and I was in so much pain that was clouded by the fear that I was filled with. The doctor began counting up to 3, and that was when the more excruciating pain began. I stopped pushing for a second, and Barry wiped my hair out of my face. He kissed my temple before we repeated the process again, and after more pain, Barry spoke:
     "Almost done," he whispered into my ear. He squeezed my hand and I got ready once more. On 3, I pushed the hardest of all and all that pain was worth it. The doctor came up from the blanket and held the crying child. He took the baby away to be wrapped. Barry's eyes were filled with tears, as were mine.
     "You did it!" Barry said to me before he rested his forehead against mine. The doctor tapped on Barry's shoulder and we separated. Our eyes were filled with tears as he handed me the little child. He was wrapped in a blue blanket and he was in fact a boy. I held the boy in my arms as he wrapped his finger around my thumb. I admired him, until I had to hand him to Barry. Barry looked down at him and smiled.
     "Ezra James Allen," he said. I looked back at him and nodded. The doctor came back in that second and took the baby away for measurements and cleaning. Barry and I talked for a few minutes. We were going to let everyone come in when the baby was cleaned up and taken care of. But I was scared when I saw the doctor come back into the room without the child. He hesitated before he spoke:
     "I'm truly sorry Mr and Mrs Allen."
     "For what? What happened? Where's our baby?" I asked worriedly.
     "He didn't make it.......I'm sorry for your loss." At that point, I was crying. Despite the pain, I got up out of bed and went to the door. Everyone raced frantically down the hall after seeing the door open, and the look on their faces was indescribable when they saw us. They figured out what happened by our faces and not having our child in our arms. Every one cried along with us, and Barry and I had it the worst. The worst part was not even knowing what went wrong.
     "I held him Chlo. He was right here. We had him," Barry said. "All that planning and all that time......"
     "I know Bar," I said as we all continued crying. We stayed there until everyone had to go home. I grabbed my suitcases, while Barry grabbed the diaper bag and carrier that our baby was supposed to go home in.
      When we got home, we threw the baby stuff down and went upstairs. We both sat on the bed wrapped in each others arms. We sat and cried together for a while longer until we got a phone call. To make matters worse, it was Oliver. I cried even more after hearing the news. I told Oliver about the baby and you could hear him and his team crying for us on the other end. I hung up the phone and cried more into Barry's chest.
     "It was.....Oliver.....Laurel got stabbed by Dark. They thought she was going to recover, but they were wrong. Oliver talked to her alone, and after their talk she started seizing. Her monitor flattened and they did everything they could to save her, but nothing was working. 11:59 was when she was pronounced dead. She's gone Bar. Just like our baby. And we didn't even get to say goodbye." Barry started crying even more, and we stayed like that for days. We didn't eat, sleep, or even shower for a couple nights. We were just so unmotivated to do anything. A knock on our bedroom door got our attention.
     "What's wrong with you? You guys look horrible," Felicity said running over to us. She sat down.
     "Well, our baby died and so did our best friend on same day. How could we not be this way?"
     "I know what that is like. I didn't get to say goodbye and Laurel died right in front of my face. I even know how it feels to lose your child. I haven't told anyone other than Oliver, but we were going to have a child. I showed him the sonogram one night in our room. The day after we went out to celebrate, and an explosion that occurred caused us to lose it. I look so put together, but I'm falling apart at the same time. And I want to help you. Laurel's funeral is today if you want to come. Come to Starling and see everyone. Roy is going to be there."
     "We'll go. But as soon as it's over, were coming back. Okay?"
     "Okay," she said before she left the room. I put on a black dress and Barry put on a black suit. We sped over to Starling and met everyone at the cemetery. Joe, Iris, Caitlin, and Cisco were there and so was the arrow team.
        The funeral started and it was one of the saddest moments of my life. Another person who had been ripped from my life too soon. They gave us one last goodbye before we all came up and placed her grave in the ground. I watched a tear fall off my face and fall onto the casket. I gave one last glance at it before they buried it into the ground and unveiled her gravestone. Barry and I stood with the rest of my friends until everyone else left. We all walked up to the gravestone and gave Laurel well wishes and we talked about her.
      "Take care of Ezra for us," I said. That was the last thing I said before walking away. Barry met me under the tree, and everyone joined us in a group hug. When we had enough, we broke the hug and we returned home. There was a box on the step and I knew exactly what it was. It was drizzling and I brought Barry into the backyard. We had dug a small hole and placed the box in the center. We talked for a few minutes and each planted a kiss on the box before burying it. We had placed a stone with his name on it under the shade of our favorite tree. We stood there for a few minutes in each others  company getting drenched by the rain. I looked at Barry who had puffy eyes and red tear stained cheeks like I did. I gave him a kiss, and we proceeded inside after a sad filled day.
      I'm sorry! I know most of you were probably not expecting this or wanted something happy to happen with the baby. But light does come at the end of the dark tunnel. Please don't hate me! Though this chapter is dark, there will be good coming their way. Thank you for all the Votes, Comments, Adds, and Reads. I hope you are enjoying the book! -Flashette1
(The next chapter will be coming out some time after Tuesday when the newest episode comes out. Unless I update another chapter that isn't episode based.)

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