Extra 134: Tape

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The weather had been stormy and cold, so I decided to use the time I had inside to do something useful. My mind drifted to our attic, Barry and I living in the house together for three years and never going through it.
As I was up there, I discovered some old high school/early college memorabilia of Barry and I's. Smiling, I took the box off the shelf and carried it slowly down the stairs to our bedroom. In our room, I went through the box, smiling as laughing as I was uncovering each little piece of Barry's and i's story. Aside from all the pictures and letters, there was a small box in the bottom. Taking it in my hands, I curiously opened it to reveal a tape Barry had made for me years ago. A tear rolled down my cheek as I recalled the night this was given to me. (I had to leave for months for a science convention, and Barry missed me too much.) Remembering I had a tape player, I ran back up to the attic and ran back into my room with it. I placed the tape in and prayed that it would play. When it wasn't working, I got slightly agitated: "Barry, you're cute, but so old fashioned," I mumbled before giving the player a little tap. With that little tap, music began to play. When the first song came on, a wave of relief washed over me as I fell back on my bed, reminiscing to the song that was playing. My mind raced to our early childhood romance. It wasn't until high school that we really fell hard for eachother, and it was crazy to me how we came to be.
Enjoying each lyric and the memories that bounced in my head, I didn't even realize Barry's silhouette in the doorway.
"What's going on in here?" Barry asked with furrowed brows, stepping closer to the bed and sitting down on the edge. He looked down at me, a wide grin on my lips as he took my hand in his.
"Thinking back, do you recognize the song?" I asked, sitting up slowly. His eyebrows furrowed in thought for a second before relaxing.
"Foreigner...'I wanna know what love is'..." Barry trailed off. The song faded out and Barry looked over to the player before looking back at me. "Well, it was...And why is my old tape player out?" Barry asked.
"You don't recognize it? It's your tape...The one you made for me in High School...We grew up with Cd's, but you and your romantic ways insisted that it had to be something old fashioned." Barry nodded quickly at the realization and smiled. Though we were now on the same page, our thoughts were interrupted by the piano intro of another song. When we recognized it, we turned to eachother, goofy grins on our faces. Without hesitation, Barry shot up from the bed and turned to me, singing along to the song playing:
"My love...There's only you in my life...The only thing that's right..." He sang, holding out his hand for me to take. Taking it, I tucked a hair being my ear and pulled myself closer to Barry. I rested my head on his shoulder as his hand rested on my waist. This song meant everything to Barry and I, and we wouldn't let this moment go to waste. That's just the kind of old school, retro love Barry and I had. It's the type of love I've always wanted.
"My first love," I sang along with Diana Ross, my head still on Barry's shoulder. "You're every breath that I take..." I sang, stroking his back. "You're every step I make." We continued singing the duet, spinning, laughing, twirling, dancing, and having a good time.
"My endless love," we both finished in harmony. We finished, wrapped up in eachothers' arms. We sealed the tender moment with a kiss, only to be left there staring into eachothers' eyes. This was a moment I never wanted to let go of, and one I'm certainly glad we didn't waste.
Barry and I were lucky to have each other, but it was in that moment that we both understood why.
FLASHETTE IS BACK! Sorry for the mini hiatus, (if you'd even consider it that) but things got in the way, and writing was moved off to the side. Sorry for not updating in a while, but regular updates should now be back on track. I hope you enjoyed, and thank you for 119K reads on the first book, and everything else you do to support this series! I will talk to you soon, and I hope you enjoyed! -Flashette1


*The songs used in this short were: "I want to know what love is," by "Foreigner," and the last song used was: "Endless Love" by "Dianna Ross" and "Lionel Richie."
TAG THING: ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
I was tagged by : VampireWerewolfDemon to do this tag thing. It is the "30 day challenge", but I decided I'd just do it all out for you guys now. Some of the information you may know about me, Chloe Allen, and some of this may be new to you. There was some information I didn't include for certain reasons, either it already being repeated, or that I am planning on sharing it somewhere else. I hope you enjoy! -Flashette1

1) I am currently taken. As you know, Barry and I tied the knot not too long ago. I'm so happy I get to wake up to his face every morning.

2) In 10 years, I don't know where I'd see myself. Im 27, married, out of college, and expecting, so there's not really much to look forward to. I guess I'd want to see myself raising a happy, healthy family, while keeping up with my double life.

3) Barry was my first love and first kiss. When we first met in the living room on one of the most tragic nights of our lives, I knew we were destined to be together.

4) I've always wanted to visit Paris. I speak French, so I would use that during the trip. Barry and I technically haven't had our honeymoon yet, so hopefully if he ever gets out of the speedforce, we can have one.

5) "Rick and Morty" is one of my favorite shows, along with "Riverdale."

6) My favorite movie...So many options...As of right now, my favorite movie would have to be: "Perks of being a Wallflower." It has always been a favorite since I've seen the film, and I find Charlie quite adorable.

7) I've been listening to a lot of different groups lately, one person in particular. "Harry Styles" and his new album has been a nonstop listen for me. "Sign of the times" or "Woman" are my two favorite songs by him right now. There's just something about his calming voice and the music behind it that makes me fall in love with it.

8) Field Hockey is my favorite sport

9) "Panic! At the disco" is one of my favorite bands. (There's a lot more)

10) Black or purple is my favorite color

11) I have a lot of favorite foods (tacos, chicken nuggets, anything with chicken, pasta, cheese, pizza)

12) Coke or lemonade are both my favorite drinks.

13) My favorite video games are: "To the moon," "Resident evil 7," "The last of us," and "The last guardian."


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