Extra 79: CRUSHed dreams

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Thank you for 43K! Enjoy!
      I sat at the lunch table with my friends. They were all talking about some game I wasn't into. But they were interrupted when someone joined our table.
       "Hey Barry!" They exclaimed. "You can sit here," they said forcing a chair in between me and my best friend. Barry took a seat and my best friend sent me a wink. My face turned red and I began to feel nervous. I had a crush on Barry, but I knew there was no chance. He was so cute and adorable and I couldn't help but stare.
       We began talking a lot about small things like interests and hobbies. He even cracked a joke and we shared a laugh. I would occasionally catch him looking over at me in class or I would catch him off guard. But he was sending me the wrong signals.
       "So Barry, anyone special in your life? Like a girlfriend?......." My friend proposed. I tried to hide my face and make it less obvious but I left my poker face at home today. I was mad at her for saying that, but I was curious myself. 
      "Actually, yes, I do. I have a girlfriend. And we've been together happily for two and a half years....."
I blocked out the rest. I couldn't stand to hear that. All this time I thought.....I actually thought there was a chance......that I had a chance......
     Thank you for 43K! Sorry for the inactivity, but I am busy. Here is a short for you and more are coming up! See you soon!  

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