Extra 14: Finding Out The Truth

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Here is another short, enjoy! (Not included in book plotline. This is what it would have been if it was)
I walked into the Time Vault to do some individual exploration. I walked inside, being cautious of anything that could happen. It worked out great, until I wasn't paying attention and crashed into this tall podium at the front. I got scared and jumped back. I was about to walk away in fear when I heard a voice and saw light coming from behind me. I turned slowly, bracing myself for what it could have been.
"Hello Chloe," it spoke. A female face was the source of the light and I replied:
"Umm....Hello....who are you? How do you know my name and how do you know who I am?"
"I'm Gideon and I was programmed by my creator to know you and everything about you."
"Why?" I asked.
"Because my creator wanted you to be remembered. Honored even."
"Why? Who is this creator?"
"Barry Allen," she replied. More confused than ever, I asked another question.
"How did he make you? How can that be? Is he from the future?"
"In unable to answer those questions."
"Why? Answer me!" I yelled. All Gideon did was bring up an article from what appeared to be the future. It was titled: "Flash Missing, vanishes in crisis." I was curious to find out what happened to Flashette so I read on. After getting no information at all, I looked up to the top of the page where a picture of The Flash was displayed. Barry's suit was a lighter shade of red and I was nowhere to be found. And when I saw the by line, I had many mixed emotions: "Iris West-Allen." I didn't know what to think now. I was missing in the future and Barry marries the real love of his life. I had many mixed emotions and they all swirled in my head. I sped out of the time vault, into the cortex, and into the streets. I quickly grabbed my suit and Cisco managed to say:
"She's running angry."
It felt good to run and have this escape, that was until I had someone chasing me. I stopped at the bridge and faced Barry:
"What are you doing here?" I asked him.
"You were running angry and I wanted to be there for you. What's wrong?"
"What isn't Barry? Everything is wrong. Being with you is wrong. Being Flashette is wrong. It's all wrong!"
"What happened? Barry asked me.
"I went to the Time Vault and found some things out. In the future, I'm gone, The Flash mysteriously disappears, and you're married to Iris."
"Calm down. Maybe that was what the plans for the future are if they go a certain way. I won't let you die or get hurt and I want to be with you."
"Thanks Bar but-" I tried to say before I was interrupted by Barry closing the gap between us and kissing me. I gave in and kissed back.
"No more words. I made it clear that I want you and if that is what they think the future is they're wrong. I'm going to be with you and we're going to live happy. We're going to be The Flashes until we can't and I will enjoy every one of life's moments with you. I love you and nothing will change that. Iris was a childhood crush and yes, I was chasing after her for a long time. But something changed that day in the lab when we kissed and since then it has never been the same. You don't know how much I love you and nothing can express how I feel about you. I love everything about you, and you are different than every other girl and even Iris." After hearing those words and how much I wanted to believe him, a small part of me still doubted it. I put that in the back of my mind and focused on what was right in front of me. I wanted to cherish the time I did have with him rather than not so I pulled him in for a kiss.
"I love you Barry Allen."
Another short for you. The K shorts will be coming out when they are reached so stay tuned. I hope you enjoyed and thank you for everything. -Flashette1

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