Extra 88: Sickness

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  Barry POV
       I cherished the time I had with her left. I knew it was coming, but she didn't. When it got closer and closer to the day, I dreaded even getting out of bed. I knew this was coming and there was no way around it. I didn't want to tell her because I knew she wouldn't be okay. She would panic.
     But then came almost time. It happened. She grew sicker and sicker. The virus couldn't be contained any more and it affected her completely. She became weaker and weaker. She became less of herself and I couldn't stand to see her like that.
       And then the day I didn't want to come, came. She was pale. She couldn't move a finger and she was so skinny from not being able to eat anything. I hated seeing her this way.
        I wanted more time. I loved her with all my heart and I never thought I'd see the day when she would go. I would miss her. I didn't get enough time.
      I planted a kiss on her lips before she spoke:
     "I love you Bar. I'm.....I'm sorry I have to leave you so soon. Take care of everything for me."
      I stroked her tear stained cheek. She smiled and I smiled. Then her eyes met mine and we both lost it. Tears poured out of our eyes. I kept my eyes locked on hers. But I needed to remember them. Because I knew I was never going to see them again.
Here is another short. Sorry it was so sad, but not all of them can be happy. I'll see you in the next short!

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