Extra 65: Rescue Me

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Thank you for 39K! Enjoy!
I had been trapped. Trapped without no one or anything I know. I had been taken away from those I loved and tortured.
I had been caught off guard when fighting a meta human and exposed myself. A while later he came after me. He ended up getting me when I was vulnerable and that's when the first mistake was made.
I was currently being held in a warehouse. It was dark, except for the dim light that illuminated a corner of the room. When my capture came in the room, I could barely make out a few features. I didn't know who he was, but he definitely knew who I was. Through blurry vision and losing consciousness due to the loss of blood, I followed him as he spoke:
"Hello Chloe Dear...glad to see you're awake. I didn't think you'd last this long. You're the longest who have survived."
"What do you want?" I asked through gritted teeth.
"You, of course. That's what I've always wanted. And also for your pretty boy to come to your rescue. You know...so I can kill him infront of you. And than we can be together forever.
"It will never happen," I said to him.
"Oh but it will," he replied before going to his laptop. He pulled up cameras. All live feeds on each and every one of our lives.
"You've been watching....everything......everything I've ever done in my life you've seen. Why?"
"Because I love you...and nothing is going to stand in the way of me being with my true love!" He said before he slowly walked over to me. He had a sinister grin on his face and leaned in for a kiss. I backed away with what room I had left and that only angered him.
"I see....you want it the hard way....don't you...." He said before walking over to his table and grabbing a knife. He then walked over to me and stabbed it into my abdomen.
"Let this be a lesson that you always give me what I want," he said. I could feel the blood rising from my throat as he walked away. He then pointed a camera at me and recorded.
"She's dying. The longer she's here, the less time she has to live. Bring me her companion and I'll let her go," he said to the camera. I could barely see the team through the other side of the screen. I shook my head hoping Barry would notice, but I was ignored because Barry looked right into the camera and nodded his head.
I hope you enjoyed this. Part 2 will come out at 18K and I will see you in the next short!

*I also entered the first and second "Flashette" books to the "Watty Awards"*

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