You Teach Him Your Native Language

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Zayn: Estonian. "Ma armastan sind..., Zayn...," you murmured in your sleepy state as you were draped over his lap. "Excuse me?" Zayn gave you a little shake to wake you up, eyes wide. "Oh," you giggled lazily, "It's Estonian. It means 'I love you'." You laid your head back in his lap. "Ma... ar-may-sa sin?" You laughed at Zayn's awkward attempt at Estonian. "Nice try," you yawned, "We'll work on it later."

Louis: Italian. Now, Louis knew quite a bit of spanish, but your first language was Italian. "Teach me!" He begged one day, tugging on your hand. Louis wanted to know Italian so it would better his 'cooking skills'. "Alright," you smirked, "I think I know one word that you'll use a lot." "Okay," Lou grinned, "What is it?" "Micio," you giggled, turning back to the television show you were watching. "What does it mean?" "Google it."

Liam: Portuguese. "Okay," Liam smiled, pointing to random objects around the room. "Okay, what about this?" He pointed to a chair, "Cadeira," you giggled. "Okay, Li," you sighed, "Enough of this. I'm sleepy." You curled up on the couch next to him. "But this is fun!" He protested tickling your sides. "Eu te amo," you sighed.

Niall: French. Niall knew a large part of Spanish, but he didn't know any french, which was your native language. Niall was attempting to learn for you, but you giggled as you watched him struggle with some headphones in, repeating the phrases. "Ni," you laughed, "The only french you know is 'Voulez vous coucher avec moi ce soir'!" Niall chuckled, "Well... in that case... voulez vous coucher avec moi?"

Harry: Arabic. "How do you say 'I Love You', in Arabic?" Harry mused, behind the wheel of his Range Rover as he drove over to meet your parents. "What?" You smiled. "I want to make a good impression on your mom," he nodded, completely serious, "So, I figured I could learn some Arabic...?" He waited for you to answer. You giggled, "Well, it's pronounced 'änä hĕ bēk'." Harry tried a few times, failing miserably, and you laughed. "I think she'll appreciate the gesture..."

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