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The scene shows Audrey waking up on a train. She wasn't restrained anymore, but felt weaker. And she wasn't alone as Wilson was sitting across from her.

Wilson: And from the hollowed darkness, from the wretched abyss, a savior comes at last

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Wilson: And from the hollowed darkness, from the wretched abyss, a savior comes at last.

Audrey: Wilson?

Wilson: Rest yourself, Audrey. You're still weak. The Keepers can be relentless to strangers. Especially to ones who wield the Keyblade. But there's nothing to fear, as long as I'm with you. You're safe now.

Audrey: Where're Bendy, Kairi, and Roxas? Why did you bring us here? Turn me into this... this thing?!

Wilson: Your friends are perfectly safe. They'll be in a special place for safe keeping.

Audrey: But why?! This doesn't make sense! We've never done anything to you!

Wilson: (stands up) Open your eyes and look around you! None of this "makes sense." Drawn walls. Nightmarish creatures. An ancient studio that died out almost thirty years ago. (Sits down) It's all fiction. Utter nonsense. And yet... (pulls up a suitcase) in here, it exists. It breathes. It flourishes! Reality guided by its master's pen. The foundation for a new reality, (opens the case, pulls out a canister) we can bleed into our own. Just think of it. Anything we create in here, we can release, (opens the canister, grabs an orb of blot) out there.

The bit of blot then turns into a small version of Bendy.

Audrey: You want to control the blot?

Wilson: Of course. The first king couldn't control it, but I will. But first, this world must be controlled. Made safe. These... things. These angels and demons. (Grabs the blot) Are they really life? Or are they just... (crushes the blot) stains? Old mistakes ready to be cleansed away for newer, greater things?

Audrey: What do you want from me? And why bring the others in this?

Wilson: The Keyblade's power is what I need to help make this work. And I need your help. To save my father's life.

Before she could question him further, the signal goes off and they arrive to their destination. Around they get off the train, and looked around to see Keepers all around. They don't attack, but Audrey had an uneasy feeling about all this.


At a different section of the studio, Roxas and Kairi were waking up and found themselves in cell of some sort.

Roxas: (groans) What the hell happened?

Kairi: I feel like I got hit with a truck.

???: Good, you guys are awake.

They look over across the room and see Bendy in a cell of his own.

Kairi: Bendy? Are you okay?

Bendy: Not really... What're you guys doing here?

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