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World Info: (Thousands of years ago, the great empire of Atlantis was once a proud race with advance tools and resources. However, when they medaled with forces beyond their control, the gods punished them by releasing a storm to destroy the empire. The queen was chosen by the Heart of Atlantis to protect the city and its people. The city was then sunken down deep beneath the sea, and has remained lost to the point where it's all but a myth. But today, a group of explorers from the surface will find the Empire.)

Time in World: 1914

The scene is first in black, until boulders begin to move as Arcturus breaks through rocks and walks through a mountain.

Arcturus: (wearing a headlamp) how deep is this place?

Clara: we're thousands of miles below the surface. It's not the center of the Earth, but way deeper than anyone's ever gone.

Arcturus: aside from the explorers. Speaking of which, how far away are they?

Clara: about this time, they're currently in a dormant volcano. But, don't worry about that, unless one of them was crazy enough to fire a really big explosion.

Arcturus then noticed a few figures running by them. It was only for a moment, but he saw that they were wearing strange masks and carrying spears. He decided to follow them. He soon found his way through a hole and made a discovery that truly amazed him.

Arcturus and Clara: (surprised expression) holy moly!

Narrator (mom): the two saw a large lake with a waterfall surrounded the area. In the center, was the city of Atlantis.

Arcturus: wow! This is Atlantis?

Clara: yes. I knew the city was here, but it looks so alive. Almost like they weren't sunken to the bottom.

The moment was then ruined when the explorers broke through with a drill. They, too, were amazed by the view, but soon all of them were met with the people Arc saw.

Arcturus: (removes headlamp) are those the natives?

Clara: yes. I'm surprised they aren't Soul-

Before she could finish, Arc was suddenly grabbed by a few more natives. Normally, he'd just break free and fight back, but he decided to role with them. They took him to where the explorers are.

Milo: (notices Arc) who's he?

Arcturus: hello. I'm Arcturus, but people just call me Arc. I'm just a traveler.

Rourke: how did you get down here? You couldn't have stowed away on our crew. We'd have noticed you.

Arcturus: no stowaway. But, I do believe there's more interesting moments at hand. (Turns back to the Atlanteans) right, so, how about we try this again.

The leader of the natives started speaking (mainly to Milo and Arc). The three talked for a bit, and it seems that they have came to an understanding and the woman now welcomed them.

Milo: (turns to Arc) you speak Atlantean?

Arcturus: yep. Speak and read. But, that not nearly as impressive as the fact that they speak multiple languages.

True on his word, the Atlanteans were speaking different languages from different cultures.

Milo: their language must be based on a root dialect.

Rourke: well, maybe English is in there somewhere. We are explorers from the surface world, we come in peace.

Kida: welcome to the city of Atlantis. (Grabs Milo's hand) come, you must speak with my father now.

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