Chapter 12: THE WORLD TREE (AINCRAD part 2)

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Cue Skyreach

0:00 - 0:12

Clock gears are constantly turning in space until they suddenly get struck by blue and red lightning and the kingdom hearts logo begins to show as the title of the scene shows up. It stays there for a few seconds, then envelopes the whole screen in a white light.

0:13 - 0:22

Arcturus is up on the clock tower with his hood up and his scarf blowing in the wind as his parents, his aunt, Jamie and Yuri are standing in front of him. He suddenly sees his father break apart in light as his mother releases pink lighting that consumes Arc.

0:23 - 0:32

Cronos is walking through the streets as he's surrounded by the people he's killed. He looks up and sees Kira (Light Yagami) hold his hand out as he has his evil grin on. Cronos retaliates as he pulls out a gun, along with Vanitas on his right and Azraelon his left, and all pull the triggers.

0:33 - 0:43

Ruby writes a letter as she stops and looks at her friends. They all smile, as rose petals fly off her cloak and when the land on the ground, the scene quickly changes to the Soulless in battle.

0:44 - 0:54

Arcturus fights the Soulless with Timeline Key as he switches between Drive Forms. He first goes in a red form where his right eye turns red and his pupil turns into the symbol on his clothes. He wields two keyblades with is that turn into chain blades that destroy the monsters. Then, he turns into a new form that's black and neon blue and now Arc is wielding a shield that has blades and was used to destroy the rest.

0:55 - 1:05

Cronos is going toe to toe with Esdeath while destroying everything around them. Salem is watching the whole fight as she has a smile on her face. Behind her, was Xehanort having a smirk on his face, along with Vanitas and Azrael beside him.

1:06 - 1:16

Arcturus and Ruby see each other. They smile, until Arc is suddenly restrained by dark chains that begin to corrupt him. Behind him is a horrific monster that roars at Ruby. He reaches out for help and Ruby reaches to grab as her eyes begins to glow brightly, enveloping the scene in white.

1:17 - 1:29

Arcturus opens his eyes and sees he's facing the World Lion Turtle. The beast speaks, and Arc turns to the audience and gives a smile. He then summons his blade and throws it up in space and the camera shows is spinning in space as the stars show a constellation of the iconic crown symbol.


Time in World: 2025

The scene shows Arcturus appearing in a forest area. His outfit was the same, but now his hair is light blue and his ears are pointy.

Arcturus: (observing his features) it's not the weirdest thing I've turned into so far, but it is a little strange. At least I can past for an elf.

Clara: you're not an elf. According to the rules here, you're a fairy.

Arcturus: ok, but speaking of the world. (Looks around the area) Clara, I thought you said we're on Aincrad, but this seems different. Different timeline?

Clara: only by a month since we've been here. However, this seems to be a different section of the world. Almost like a second version of it that's been merged with the previous one. Think, two versions of the same world co-existing.

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