Chapter 20: WAKE UP (VENTUS)

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Before we get to the second rescue mission, the scene shows Even and Demyx in Radiant Garden. After the recent double crossing, Even took Ansem the Wise to a secret location until he could bring him back to the castle. He was also needed to retrieve something from the Organization, and needed some help. He explained the plan to Demyx, and he was surprised.

Demyx: WHAAA—?!

Even: (covers his mouth) quite, you dunce!

Demyx: (removes hand) but, dude, why would you pick me?

Even: I cannot let the chosen catch wind of this, understand?

Demyx: (offended) oh, I see! It's because I got benched!

Even: I got "benched" too!

Demyx: wha— (covers his mouth) hey! Quite!

Even: (calms down and clears his throat)

Demyx: okay, man, look. Real talk? Backstabbing those guys would be stupid. Especially sense one of them can kill us with a vibrating hand to the chest. If they find out, we are yesterday's toast. I mean, what's in it for me?

Even: (long pause) forgiveness.

Demyx: huh? For what?

Even: men like us—in pursuit of science, we sometimes make terrible mistakes. Lose sight of our mission to help people. But now I can help someone with my research. Now, I can atone.

Demyx: I'm not a scientist.

He turns to leave but Even grabs his shoulder.

Even: wait, wait, wait!

Demyx: (groans) c'mon, dude. I'm useless, I'm chicken, we're not friends. I can count the number of times you and I have hung out on one hand—less than one hand! I didn't even know you in the old life!

Even: (exacerbated) fine, fine! But listen.

He gestures him to come closer, and he whispers something in his ear. When he finished, Demyx was surprised.

Demyx: huh? No way!

Even: it's true. The whole thing was his idea.

Demyx: huh? No stinkin' way.

Even: he wants to atone too. But, he is one of the chosen, so his hands are tied. Hence my actions on his behalf, hence my need for you to act on my behalf should all go awry. As you said, we are far from friends. No one would ever suspect you.

Demyx: hmm... So I'm not doing any fighting?

Even: correct. And more importantly, no benchwarming.

Demyx: (excited) ha! Yeah baby! Sign me up. Yes! Demyx time.

Even just groans, but nonetheless is thankful for the help. Little did either of them knew, someone was watching from a far. Their presence was masked, so they weren't detected, but heard it all, and puts two and two together.

Azrael: (whisper in her coms) I've found our traitors. You're never gonna believe who they are.


Ienzo was working on Ansem's research. It's been harder then they expected, and while they have been able to recover the data from the Twilight Town computer, they still couldn't access it to recreate hearts, or even bodies for the three nobodies.

Ienzo's Thoughts: we've managed to recover the data, but there's still more to find to recreating Roxas and Naminé's hearts. Still though, without a body. Unfortunately, bodies don't grow on trees. It's the backup plan or nothing now. But...the backup plan isn't a true solution.

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