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The scene shows our four heroes arriving in an area with a giant Mural. They were to meet up with their friend, but they arrived at a different part of the world than usual.

Sora: huh? Uhh... (looks at the others) no fanfare? (Mimics a trumpet)

Donald: (listens but no music) un-uh...

Goofy: (looks around) nope, looks like we missed the Coliseum.

Donald: (glares at Sora) Sora, you opened the gate!

Arcturus: relax, Donald. We're just outside of a city called Thebes. The Coliseum's there.

Sora: (chuckles) guess I was a little off again. Sorry! We'll find him. Let's go! (Starts walking)

Donald: up the mountain?

Sora: (turns around) yeah. Up is the usual direction.

Arcturus: works for me. (Follows Sora)

Goofy: well, never hurts to have your head in the clouds.

Sora: exactly!

Goofy and Arc chuckle while Donald groans a bit. They enter the area and Heartless spawn. Everyone but Arc gets their weapons ready. While they fought, the trio was surprised to see Arc fighting with fists and kicks before switching to Timeline Kingdom. After defeating the enemies, the others were surprised by Arc.

Sora: you fought without your Keyblade first?

Arcturus: yep. My mom trained me to never rely too much on one form of combat. And, I had to use that training not too long ago.

Donald: wow.

Goofy: that's pretty handy. But, uh, (looks at the wall) how do we get up there?

Sora: we run up it.

Donald: (looks at Sora like he grew a second head) seriously?

Sora: c'mon, let's try it!

With his new abilities, Sora scaled the wall and made it to the cliff-side. Donald and Goofy join, and Arc then runs up. They were in awe at the fact that Arc ran up with super speed and leaving a trail of blue lightning.

Sora: woah! How'd you do that?

Arcturus: I can run at super speed. Back home, they call me the Sapphire Speedster.

Sora: cool! How fast can you go?

Arcturus: I'm not entirely sure myself. But, I do know it's faster than sound. We'll figure that out another time.

They then made it to the side of the cliff where they got a view of Thebes.

Arcturus: there's Thebes! (Looks at the others) any of this familiar to you guys?

Goofy: now that ya mention it, we've never seen more that the Coliseum.

Arcturus: wait, you've only been in one place on this world?

Donald: we've been to the underworld, too.

Arcturus: still, it'd help if you guys knew exactly where we're suppose to go.

Clara: I don't want to be rude, but this might be harder than I thought.

Sora: (calls out) hey, Hercules! Where are youuu?

They only received silence. Suddenly, a puff of black smoke floated down to them. When it lands, it was revealed to the Lord of the Underworld himself, Hades.

The Sapphire Speedster Trilogy (KH OC Stories)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें